A New Trader Documentary

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Maverick74, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Maverick74


    What exactly do you think a vendor can do for you? Nobody can teach you how to trade. Do you think they are going to reveal some holy grail that for $50 or $250 will allow you to mint free money the rest of your life? Do you honestly believe trading works that way? Some of the most highly lauded individuals in academia from the University of Chicago have been responsible for losing billions in massive hedge fund blow ups. Most finance professors couldn't rub two nickels together in the real world. But you are down with paying them 150k for a piece of paper? But wait, $250 to see how some guy trades FX and you call that a scam? Come on. I could care less for most vendors. They are selling a low quality product at dirt cheap prices. No course is going to make you into a profitable trader. However, most of these shitty product offerings do offer one thing. They plant seeds. They get you thinking about things. Even if it that thinking is how NOT to trade.
    #41     Oct 2, 2014
  2. Turveyd


    Americans are 10 IQ points down on average compared to Brits much less objective and more belief based, so it'll just be a show about nutters.
    #42     Oct 2, 2014
    Visaria likes this.
  3. Darn, that means IQ is an impediment to trading, given that I can readily think of more successful US traders than I can Brits.

    Come to think of it, is there a Brit version of Market Wizards? A slim paperback at least?
    #43     Oct 2, 2014
  4. Turveyd


    There are more Americans than there are Brits and your a richer country, due to your huge land mass relatively and the resources within so ofcourse there are more.
    #44     Oct 2, 2014
  5. On a per capita basis then? Land mass has nothing to do with trading.
    #45     Oct 2, 2014
  6. Turveyd


    If people have more disposable income then they are more likely to trade, therefore more success stories, add in 3x's the population and hey presto.

    Just highlighting your not a richer country because your smarter.

    And ofcourse you now more about American traders than Brit traders.

    Basic logic!
    #46     Oct 2, 2014
  7. Re the 3x the population, I suggested per capita, so in this case we could express it as successful traders per 100,000 or million population.

    True, there is no connection between intelligence and wealth, look at the Middle Eastern oil states, but almost all of American wealth has nothing to do with getting stuff out of the ground. Last I checked about 75% of GDP is from services.

    So, it might be an idea for Brits to strive to lower IQs, you could be richer and have more successful traders.
    #47     Oct 2, 2014
  8. Turveyd


    There are no numbers available to prove that there are more American Pro traders than British, Americans just like there idols to aspire to so they get media attention, Brits are more private that's all.

    We are both Service countries these day

    But then we'd have to become god fearing ( not many of us believe ) and gun totting, complaining about gun crime while buying guns, refusing free health care ( tax income based ) while dying or treatable illnesses.

    Americans are rated as no.1 for EGO in the world, but very low on the ranking for education.

    BUSH! Game over!
    #48     Oct 2, 2014
  9. I thought the discussion was about traders? Successful traders, not just pro traders. And being private doesn't hack it, you either can prove it or you can't, hiding behind this more private argument is rubbish.

    If you want to let this degenerate into a free for all, then the discussion belongs in P&R. There I could readily agree with you that Bush is indeed the village idiot, and who should unfailingly follow the village idiot than one Blair.......

    It's nice that Britain is also big in services. Pity it's not quite as successful as America. As for education, if Britain was half as good as you imagine, I'd be replying to you on my Sinclair rather than iPad.

    No, the days of empire are long gone. No more free rides on resources and labour from the colonies. Just fading memories of a bygone era.
    #49     Oct 2, 2014
  10. Turveyd


    Not hiding, offering an alternative as to why your belief is invalid, as discussed Americans are belief based.

    Blair isn't an a total idiot, he's a slimey lying asshole, ie standard politician really.

    Yeah but we also drop less bombs, we are more careful when we do, so we murder less babies.

    You do realise, computers and microchips and a lot of other inventions are actually British, America actually has very few.
    #50     Oct 2, 2014
    Visaria likes this.