Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Took less than 1 ...
    #3621     Nov 8, 2013
  2. No realization, it is just that the bullshit of this thread is infectuous.
    #3622     Nov 8, 2013
  3. Consider that your reaction may be a defense mechanism. If you were to admit that maybe there IS something more to know, that would make you feel stupid for not being able to figure it out yet. So you are rejecting it in order to protect your ego.

    Look man - I don't really care whether you ever "get it" or not. If you are currently a profitable trader then you shouldn't worry about it anyways. This is not the only way to make money in the market. Some of the guys posting in this tread (like the OP) try to act like you won't be successful without it. That's complete bullshit. What it does is show you WHY the market moves in the way it does, and with that comes increased confidence and vastly increased odds. However, just like a car, you don't have to know exactly how it works to drive it.

    If you are losing more money than you make, then I would recommend that you don't blow off anyone's opinion as you would be in no position to do so. There is value in this thread, though it is buried under heaps of bullshit and arrogance. I really wish I could just come out and say what the "obvious" is, but it's really too valuable to do that. The best way to find it is, IMO, to print out a chart of all of your losing trades and look at why you took the trade and why you lost.
    #3623     Nov 8, 2013
    Pelt likes this.
  4. kut2k2


    I seriously doubt the "obvious" thing you've discovered bears any resemblance to the "obvious" thing the OP was going on about. Just sayin'.

    Note: not questioning the validity of what you discovered, just saying it probably isn't the thing that motivated what I consider to be a thread started by a troll.
    #3624     Nov 8, 2013
  5. spdracer


    Well Congratulations Over Driven, Respect what it is. handle it with maturity . Still some way to go. then you can enjoy your profits.
    #3625     Nov 8, 2013
  6. spdracer


    I Think the OP of this thread very much made it obvious that if 2 people benefit from his rant that his goal is fulfilled. he never said he would walk all of you to it.
    #3626     Nov 8, 2013
  7. The OP was a pretty weird guy. Honestly, who sits around writing poems and riddles for an internet forum all day? That's not exactly a picture of success, and I thought he was trolling as well. However, there is simply too much of what he wrote that matches up with my realization for it to be coincidence. I don't know what his story is, but I think he was speaking of the same thing.
    #3627     Nov 8, 2013
  8. Redneck


    On one hand we appear arrogant – on the other - we share something few would

    Things that make me go Hmmmmm....

    Welcome to the dark side OD – and no apology necessary Sir


    Of course this could just be me – responding to me

    Suppose only OD would know that one

    Happy Weekend All

    #3628     Nov 8, 2013
  9. ras72


    In all this whispering and veiled references I doubt we all got exactly the same thing. Isn't that funny!

    At any rate, whatever one believes having discovered, it's neither magic nor easy (It can't be! It will never be), and frankly, isn't that thing you have "discovered" something that has always been said even though you never really understood it before? So what's the fuss.

    It's still hard work and requires an awful lot of mental discipline because there are traps. Traps for everybody; including those who think they're smart or have a good eye. And discipline which one most certainly doesn't have if one blabbers on.

    - "Did you wet your pants? You can tell... It's ok... Daddy's here."
    - "Yes daddy. I saw something... something I shouldn't have."
    - "It's ok sweetie. Just shut the frak up or the evil ones will come and get you"

    - ras72
    #3629     Nov 8, 2013
  10. I've read this thread through once. Didn't get anything out of it first time around.
    I'm gonna cancel some family time this weekend and read it all through again.
    #3630     Nov 8, 2013