To successful traders, why haven't you quit yet?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Sure Chap, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. For those of you that are successful trading, and make more than enough to live a comfortable life in retirement, why do some of you choose to still work? I'm not talking about trading full-time, but work for someone else?
  2. You realize you are addressing a miniscule population of this site right and a good portion of anyone that offers an answer has high odds of being full of shit.
  3. Yea, but I do keep hearing about those that still work, when they can just trade full time.
  4. Turveyd


    It's the dream, you'll believe the dream cause you want the dream, but sadly most are as previously said full of shit!!

    My best projection is, rather than working rest of my life I trade the rest of my life, although I should be making more in a year or 3.
  5. I don't think trading is working if you enjoy it.
  6. Turveyd


    Likely why I'm in can't be arsed to trade mode currently, not really enjoying it, the trades are fine, it's the waiting for more than 2mins which seems like ages LOL

    And Successful swing trader, might only be making 20% per year, not enough to leave the day job for.
  7. Trading is very much work and when done right it will put you to sleep.
    d08 and grahamglover like this.
  8. Pekelo


    The real smart ones are swing trading or writing options and don't have to monitor the market everyday, and specially not every hour. There is actually a REAL LIFE out there.... :)
    FreakofNature likes this.
  9. 1245


    Why does any business person with a successful business keep working? No difference.
    conduit likes this.
  10. Turveyd


    Guess no 1 is ever rich enough, how many billions do i need forvmy dream....

    G6 jet or similar.
    Multiple sports cars, ferrari and above.
    Multiple large residents in different countrys, all with cars.
    A team of cleaners, cooks, assistants in every house, and various hookers why not.

    Likely need 5bil to retire and support a do anything anytime life style for 40years say :(

    Retiring and having to be careful if not poor, would still get boring pretty soon.
    #10     Jun 20, 2016