Romney and Jeb lead Republican Poll: America is Done.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. achilles28


    I really believed a Constitutional renaissance would spread like wild fire after Ron Paul lit up the Republican primaries, and later Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. I can see now I was totally wrong. Americans have no real interest in freedom and the Constitution, except to pay lip-service to it in some hallow display of fake patriotism.

    The Country is done. From above and below, the parasites have taken over, and destroyed this once marvelous juggernaut of freedom and wealth. We're going into a dictatorship and I would advise you all to get ready.

    While there are many great older Patriots on ET, many far greater then I will EVER be, I lay blame largely on the Boomers. Under their watch, they gave it all away. They gave up their liberty HAPPILY for security, and a huge swath of the economy to Asia to get rich. There is nothing stopping it now. US national debt is 100% of GDP and growing by 1 Trillion per year. Perhaps only a few more years, and then the same free market America cherished and later abandoned, will rise up and smash it. What happens next will be the dominion of the Authoritarians in Washington and the ignorant, blind masses the DOE and Corporate-controlled Media have cultivated for decades. Salute to those of you who served and fought for freedom. You are the best. My only sick satisfaction is knowing the great many who acquiesced and voted for Americas destruction will get hurt very, very badly, in the end. God's Justice.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    LEAPup likes this.
  2. I wouldn't put too much stock in these polls. People respond to names they recognize. Plus, the party establishment is desperate to have one of these guys as the nominee. They want a big government, corporate toady.

    Once the actual campaign starts, let's see what happens when Ted Cruz starts tossing red meat to the crowd.

    If the actual nominee turns out to be Bush, Christie or Romney, we might as well vote for Hillary. What difference will it make?
    piezoe and achilles28 like this.
  3. #1... <50% of us do, >50% of us don't. All the "don'ts" care about is a freebie handout from the government.

    #2... Correctamundo! Not a matter of "if", just "when".

    #3... Again, for at least my 3rd time of trying to straighten you out... IT WASN'T THE BOOMERS! IT WAS THE FUCKING POLITICIANS! For your premise to be correct, the Boomers would have had to petitioned Congress "for this benefit and that... all in exchange for our vote"... and "We want ____x benefit/money in exchange for our vote, it's OK to run deficits and charge it to our kids and grand kids." THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF THIS ANYWHERE... yet you keep harping on this fallacious point as though it were truth. I understand the Boomers are the largest demographic group, so whatever applies to them is large... still doesn't mean they are the cause of whatever injustice you imagine.

    Good grief, man take the blinders off. If you wanna lay blame, at least do so where it's deserved.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
    achilles28 likes this.
  4. jem


    I blamed the boomers until recently. but now I am not quite as sure. Until we know how much money the federal reserve is creating for itself every year and where they are spending it... we do not have enough info to feel like we can make solid conclusions about who to blame.

    Its not surprising Jeb and Romney could lead... they appear to be well connected cronies and formerly competent governors.
    achilles28 likes this.
  5. loyek590


    typical right wing kneejerk reply, just because 50% pay no federal income taxes doesn't mean they don't someday hope to
  6. TGregg


    At least McCain's not the front runner. :D
    LEAPup and achilles28 like this.


    Sure, some are aspiring for a better life. I do know some parents of the poor kids where a Mom works 2 jobs. And those parents I give credit too. But sadly there are quite a few who are happy to use the system for basic living expenses (Section 8, Food Stamps, Medicaid) and then have a boyfriend or (male) sibling out selling drugs to bring in more $$ and allow for some 'luxuries' (i.e. Cadillac Escalade or similar vehicles). I'm not saying this is the prevailing scenario but it happens more than people realize. And some of the adults just don't give a shit ... they don't care if their kids skip school now and then, don't seem to care about academic progress (given most don't attend teacher-parent conferences), don't care about being in the ghetto .. they just go on in this mode with little motivation to dig themselves out of such an existence.
    LEAPup, achilles28 and gwb-trading like this.
  8. loyek590


    typical out of touch right are talking about ME! got married early, had 3 kids, struggled just to buy a new I pay a lot of taxes, and I always bitch about taxes, but at least I pay gotta give people a break to get their feet on the ground...most people are just like you and me, most people are good

    the democrats think everybody is greedy
    the republicans think everybody is lazy

    most people are just like you and me

    there are always a few bad eggs, and when it comes to taxes, I am proud to say I am one of them, I know just about every tax scam a trader can come up with

    but I have better things to do than go after the bad eggs, it won't make much difference in the end. Yes, there are some welfare queens, and exxon probably has some unfair tax breaks. If we confiscated all they have cheated us out of that would be enough to run the government for a couple of hours.

    I listen to the democrats bitch about the rich and I listen to the republicans bitch about the poor
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014


    Not sure why you'd take offense to my post. It's the reality I see in my volunteer work. Most of the families I deal with have way more kids than they can support financially or emotionally. Instead of planning a family .. and thinking before having yet another kid one just pops out and they have no plan on HOW to support. So the poverty cycle continues and expands as the kids typically follow in the parents footsteps.

    And note .. I very clearly said my analysis was NOT about everyone so your republican comment above doesn't pertain to me.

    And FYI .. sorry, but I'm not out of touch. The people I interact with are real people.
  10. loyek590


    hey man, having babies is natural, that's the way God made us, the more the better. The problem isn't with mothers having babies and fathers who don't make a financial plan before they jump in bed, the problem is a society and a government who doesn't respect the natural life of people.
    #10     Dec 17, 2014