noob trader looking for some advice from pros

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by George Fonoe, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. hey, it is my first post and i wanted to know what advice pro traders would have for a noob like me.

    first of all, i have some mild experience with technical analysis and I happen to have a friend that trades for a living for about 20 years, so i am not completely lost, but i don't want to bug him for every little thing.

    i was looking online at people who do subscriptions services (yeah i know, my friend told me they are scammers), but i was looking at this guy's videos and i am not sure what to think. The guy is oscar carboni. to me, he seems like he knows what he is talking about and I am somewhat tempted to sign up but my friend simply told me to stop being a dumbass and to just save my money.

    now, i know this is my first post, so i don't want to seem like i am pumping or whatever, i just want an accurate assessment as to why this guy sucks so much. i guess i can't tell cause i am too noob to tell.

    i looked at a bunch of other guy's stuff like Walter Peters, Al Brooks, etc. i've been told those guys are legit, but for some reason the other subscription guys like Oscar Carboni, Tim Sykes, etc are all scamming.

    I just kind of wanna know why ??
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  2. Al Brooks' stuff is good. Many have an issue with his written text but he does have a video series that you may find helpful.
  3. dbphoenix


    Before evaluating any of these people, it will be necessary for you to understand what it is they're trying to do. In order to do that, you'll have to understand what a market is, how it works, how to profit from its movements. Otherwise it will all be gurubabble.
  4. dbphoenix, you are right. that is exactly why I am asking experienced traders to give me their educated opinions on the matter. it is like knowing there are landmines but not being able to detect all of them, i am asking the experts. If you are telling me to be an expert at finding landmines when i ask experts to help me find them, it doesn't really me since i am going to just get myself blown up by accident.

    there is a lot of diversity with what they are trying to do, so some of it i dont' even know.
  5. dbphoenix


    I didn't see this until now but, fortunately, monoid did, and I have little to add to what he said beyond clarifying what I posted about understanding what each of these experts is trying to do, i.e., how each of them approaches the market.

    In order to evaluate the pluses and minuses of how each of these experts approaches the market, you should first understand what the market is and how it works. This does not mean jumping into it and learning by doing, or by being blown up, though this is how a great many people go about it.

    In order to learn about the market, study the market, not experts. Once you then understand how the market works, you will then be in a better position to evaluate "experts"' opinions and how much value each of them has for you, if any.

    If you're interested in doing this, I have a couple of suggestions. But if you're looking for someone to follow and want recommendations on who is the best to follow, I can't help you there.
  6. I was asking if the specific people I listed are scammers or legit. I gave my opinion and I wanted to know if my opinions were wrong. I already know my opinions are ill informed, but you can be right even if you are poorly educated in a subject. You told me I have to be informed before I can evaluate others, but how the heck does a person reasonably do that since these individuals are selling services/knowledge that give the knowledge in question????? It is a catch 22. I can't evaluate the sources because I am ill informed, but to be well informed I have to learn from the sources.
  7. dbphoenix


    If the only way you know to evaluate the opinions of others is to seek the opinions of others, you will quickly find yourself in a loop. And while it may be true that you can't evaluate these sources due to your being ill-informed, it is not true that the only way to become informed is to learn from these or any other sources. A superior means of becoming informed about the market is to study the market. You don't need to resort to anybody's opinion(s) on the matter to do that. And it's free.

    Best of luck to you.
  8. people learn by asking authority figures, it helps to stand on the shoulder of giants. I didn't even ask for market secrets or anything i was just asking if those people sucked.

    you basically told me to fuck off in a lot of words.
  9. George Fonoe ........ What are you interested in trading?

    • Stocks?
    • Options?
    • Futures?
    • ?????

  10. Otm-options, i am learning to trade futures from my friend. he has been doing this for a living for 20 years or so now. most of it is technical analysis based. he doesn't keep up with the online community of traders or any of the new people that has popped up so when i asked him about the above individuals, he didn't even know who they were. i was just wondering what your opinions were but instead people just told me "figure it out, sucka."
    #10     Apr 15, 2015