Most American Blacks are hopeless and backward....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Agreed. Blacks have to (want to) help themselves. They have to go to school and pay attention in class. They have to go home and do their math and English homework instead of "hangin' out wid da homies" in their punk gang culture.

    Unfortunately, you can't tie people down and stuff education into their head... they have to do it for themselves.
    #81     Nov 27, 2014


    Funny thing is ... most of these poor kids (black and white) have cell phones by grade 4, and quite a few post of Facebook during the day, when they're in school, which shows how dedicated they are to learning. They take 'selfies' (when teacher isn't looking), post how 'bored' they are and so on. The lack of parental encouragement and support is a biggie as to why so many repeat the same damn mistakes as their parents.
    #82     Nov 27, 2014
  3. Yeah, well we all know... you have to do it yourself. Of course, proper motivation from the hope would help a great deal. (When I was a kid and if my grades slipped even a bit, my extra curricular activities were restricted until I got my grades back up.... and that was 6-weeks until the next report card.)
    #83     Nov 27, 2014
  4. #84     Nov 27, 2014


    So how come you 'woke up' and turned your life around? WTF don't younger kids that are poor (black or white) look up to those who grew up like them (poor) and SUCCEEDED in life. We've already mentioned the Herman Cain's, Ben Carson's and the many more 'average' non-name people? I know of a few black adults who I interact with who do give of their time to try to get these kids on the right path. But they seem to only get through to such a small percent. Or maybe it's just when the kids return to their homes that they forget and/or revert back to the behavior they see all around them most of the time.

    Good article by the way.
    #85     Nov 27, 2014
  6. Thanks

    I gave a pretty detailed answer to that question on page 3.
    #86     Nov 27, 2014
  7. Max E.

    Max E.

    Church Michael Brown’s Father Attended Burnt Down

    During the angry rioting that broke out in Ferguson Monday night, the church Michael Brown‘s father attended (and was baptized at just last weekend) was burned down.

    Here’s an image of the wreckage:


    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating the matter.

    Church pastor Carlton Lee choked up a bit talking about the devastation to the church. He said, “I feel like one of my children has died.”

    You can watch his comments below, via NBC News:
    #87     Nov 27, 2014
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Well, if the church was burnt to the ground, at least we can say Michael Brown was avenged, right?

    I mean, why would rioters burn down a church if not for "justice"?
    #88     Nov 27, 2014
  9. This is , I can not even give a name to that.
    What good will come out of that? They have access to a Court of Law, it is not
    as if they can't have legal means to pursue their grievancies.
    #89     Nov 27, 2014
  10. TGregg


    Interesting article.I liked it.

    Ahhh, but you are. You are too good to hang with people that are not winners and will make it harder for you with their self defeating attitudes and behaviors. Just like you probably don't hang with heroin junkies or crack addicted whores. Nothing wrong with it. Maintaining a proper outlook is already hard enough without having naysayers all around.
    #90     Nov 27, 2014