Do millennials back socialism?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Zestilio, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Zestilio


    Massive majorities back Bernie Sanders on the issues the US. Or look at Jeremy Corbyn in the UK.
    Are people really ready for socialism, for God's sake?
  2. Millennials? It probably depends on how much they owe in student loans.
  3. Of course. Everybody wants "everything for free"* if they can get it. (Except for the hard-working, independent sorts of folks.)

    *That's the appeal of Socialism... "Money For Nothing, Chicks For Free"... Dire Straits

    100 years ago, America was the "Land of opportunity" and "The Land of the Free".... had the world by the gonads.... politically, freedomwise, and economically. But now... thanks to Socialism/Progressivism, we've pissed it all away, as America is turning into a "3rd-World Shithole" like the rest of the planet.

    How did that happen? Political greed, lust for power and greedy, lazy populus. Nothing new, story of mankind. Remember the Romans' "Bread and Circuses"?... no different in spirit today.

    Seems the "greed for political power + the desire to get something/everything for free"... is SO FUCKING STRONG... no society can resist it, regardless of the harm inflicted.

    Personally.. I wouldn't vote for any candidate who offered me ANYTHING* for free...'cause I know where it comes from. But, that's just me.

    *I don't want to be given anything that someone else is forced to pay for... for any reason, let alone in exchange for my vote. That just makes my skin crawl.

    Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.. they should both just EAT SHIT AND DIE!!

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
    cdcaveman likes this.
  4. Wasn't it "chicks" for free?
  5. Ditch


    Milennials? Isn't that the most self absorbed, most incompetent generation in history?

    Socialism fits them like a glove. Everybody will be a rockstar or supermodel.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
  6. That's what I thought for a long time. Wifey told me it is "checks". I just looked up the lyrics and it is indeed "chicks". So, I'll edit my post.
  7. Socialism will never work in our country because of the way politics run on a bi partisan system. Even if Bernie or some other socialist nutjob is elected, they won't do shit because they'd have little to no support in congress, and whatever they do manage to pass will be fucked over by the next puppet that becomes President.
  8. Disagree. Whaddya mean, "never work"? We're there already. 100 years ago, America was "not Socialistic". Today, we're damn near Communist... no hope in sight for beneficial change.
  9. My generation sucks. Nothing annoys me more than seeing a trader at work who got his job because he took an art major at an Ivy League, came out w/ no loans, and got on the desk because his dad is a higher up here or at another bank. Meanwhile I had to work on a freight dock in the backwoods of NC for 6 years, going to community college to lessen the inevitable debt for when I transferred to a 4 year only to end up with a temp job until I got to work somewhere else as a FT analyst and eventually into trading. What annoys me the most is this other kid is a huge hilary fan. Go figure.
  10. cjbuckley4


    Not this one.
    #10     Nov 3, 2015
    FCXoptions likes this.