Black, Gay Reporter Murders Straight, White Journalists — Media Blame the Gun

Discussion in 'Politics' started by qxr1011, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. qxr1011


  2. Ricter


  3. The Washington Post pulled out one of its all purpose anti-gun editorials today. They even admitted they didn't know how this psycho got his gun or if additional laws would have prevented it. Still, they try to exploit it to gin up anti-gun hysteria.

    When Roof shot those blacks in the church, all we could hear was racism, Confederate flags, etc and how we white people had a lot to answer for. When a black racist gay man shoots innocent whites, we get...chirp...chirp.. gun control. Is it too much to ask for someone in the mainstream media to ask the racial grievance industry to tone it down a notch before they give other crazy blacks the idea that trying to start a race war is a good idea?
  4. American negros have no respect for anyone or anything.
    They have been conditioned and coddled by the media to blame Whitey for their failures.
  5. Ricter


    Um, no, you're wrong, there were calls for better gun control on day 1 of the Charleston shooting.
  6. loyek590


    and they don't even let them bury the bodies before they start making political hay out of them.
  7. Ricter


    Well, if we could stop with adding to the stream of bodies for a while...
  8. loyek590


    peace my friend, there is a time for debating guns, but not after a shooting
  9. Lets not discuss the racial component of this killing. We might find out how many angry black racists we have out there that fit this guys profile to a T.
    Just who was it that should have brought this guys racist hate to the authorities? The leftist PC crowd? Maybe the thug lives matter gang? Perhaps the media? Some of his white co-workers, so they could be labeled as racist for calling him out on his racism? Nope, black racists are untouchable.
    This is not complicated at all, nor is it unique, other than it was a more high profile killing. This is no different than violent black thugs and their knock out game. No different than any number of racially motivated black on white crimes committed in the past. The guy was a racist from way back. Played the race card his whole working life hoping for some a that good old jackpot justice. When that little "career" move didn't work out he just went over the edge. He was no more mentally ill than any other nut case who decides to kill innocent people. This is about racism plain and simple, and the media, both left and right ,are too cowardly to address it.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  10. Ricter


    We know that already. But "whites" are still not the socioeconomic minority race, no matter how equal the hate on both sides. "Whites" cannot plausibly sell anyone on their victimhood. Until practices such as you described with the parking meters, and more, become widespread, daily reality for "whites", too.
    #10     Aug 27, 2015