Another gun massacre. It's time to change the guns laws.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rangecontraction, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Another gun massacre at a school has recently occurred. RIP all innocent victims!!

    The Thug was targeting White Christians.

    We need to act now. The Commie, Muslim Obama says that we need to strengthen the gun laws. He is of course wrong.

    In fact, we need to allow more people to own guns, so that they can defend themselves against gun maniacs and Muslim terrorists.

    It should be compulsory for all white Christian Americans at risk from evil Thugs such as Chris Harper Mercer to carry a gun. They must, by law, also carry guns if at risk from Muslim Terrorists.

    Look at the photo. The Thug Chris Harper Mercer clearly has evil in his eyes and does not love our Lord, Jesus.

    White Christians who are targeted by Muslims or Thugs should be given the legal right to shoot at will and not risk prosecution. As currently constituted, our gun laws are too loose.

    God bless USA against Thug Crime and Islamic Terror.
  2. You're an idiot
  3. I completely agree. You speak for all of us conservatives. Well said, as far I can tell. Since my education is only 6 grade and don't believe global warming is real and I am impressed by you.
    FXTraderSK likes this.
  4. This thread is being attacked by a bunch of Liberal idiots.

    I carry a gun and so does all of my family. We do not know when the next Muslim Terrorist or Looting Thug will come along. Obama supports the Muslims and the Thugs, so we do not even get support and protection from POTUS. We need to protect ourselves.

    As for you futurecurrents, there is no such thing as global warming. If anything, its been getting colder where I live. Global warming is a liberal fallacy. The Liberals hate oil.
  5. We must not only defend our 2nd amendment but enhance it, to make it the legal duty of ALL American patriots to carry guns. Only if we are ALL armed, can further massacres be stopped.

  6. Lol and then go back to our old barbaric and lawless ways of society where we either kill or be killed.

    Dude we're trying to move the world forward not backwards.
  7. Those who do not support and defend our Constitution are a threat to Homeland Security.
  8. Fuck off dumb ass
  9. As an obviously an NRA charter member, what do you see as the problem? Or, do you see a problem at all??o_O

    Can we have a civil discussion?
  10. Buddy we lost the civil discussion part since the first post OP started.

    The problem is thinking allowing anyone and everyone to own guns will solve all problems when it will obviously just cause more bloodshed, violence, and murders crimes.
    #10     Oct 3, 2015