Marketsurfer Scores Top 10% of all Stock Pickers

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. samuel11


    "If you copied David Goodboy's CMG ratings since 2012 and opened each position for the duration of 1 Year, then 0% of your transactions would have been profitable with an average return of -37.1%.”

    "If you copied David Goodboy's APOL ratings since 2012 and opened each position for the duration of 1 Year, then 0% of your transactions would have been profitable with an average return of -49.9%."

    Where is SHAK?? ALLY?
    Clubber Lang and oraclewizard77 like this.
  2. Don't you see the name of the website? ti :D
    samuel11 likes this.
  3. Lmfao-- Good one! I just noticed that.

  4. Yah-- i never even heard of that site until today.

    It only tracks my SA calls
  5. Buy1Sell2


    Results and ranking are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg when analyzing and claiming the spoils of infamous iterations. Sound and like sensory depreciating post neo indications have long been the purview of the elitist and unenlightened of the best of the class. Envious whimsical interactions will cease to spur the spark of interweb communication and stoke the emanating fire that consumes from beneath the placation of indeed the truly weary. This goes without saying.
  6. As a note of interest, marketsurfer's stock picking skills are currently ranked in the top 3% of over 4400 financial bloggers and rank in the top 10% of over 8000 investment experts over the last five years, according to the rating firm
  7. #10     Nov 4, 2015