Most American Blacks are hopeless and backward....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. achilles28


    Yes, you're right Max. It's a great scheme. I believe it can be broken though. The truth is like a sword, to quote Christ. I think once we tear down this Berlin Wall of national media, great things can happen.

    There are so many interests mutually aligned behind Black success and integration. Even the most bigoted, racist, selfish Americans should want black success because it means substantially lower income taxes (less welfare and policing) and less crime (more security). You made that point in another thread, a week or so ago. That's the beauty of it. And the traditional Christian Right believes in one God, so there's a religious push for it, from an end of the political spectrum that's often mischaracterized as being racist.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
    #71     Nov 27, 2014
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    Im pretty loaded right now, but ive always been curious about something, and dont feel pressured to answer. I consider myself a curious agnostic, but a while ago you had said you converted to christianity based on some life altering event..... Ive always been curious, what was the event? I wont judge either way, just want to know, feel free to PM if you dont want to share on here, and if you dont feel like sharing at all its ok, I just felt like asking since you brought up Jesus.
    #72     Nov 27, 2014
  3. achilles28


    haha well now that you ask.....sure, I don't mind sharing. I was born again when I was 18. I had a really tough time with my folks growing up, had a lot of problems, and turned to religion as a way out. I put my faith in Christ, read the first four chapters of gospel, believed, and repented as best I could. One day, driving dads car after school as a way to get my mind off problems, the Holy Spirit came into my life and it was really the most life altering, supernatural experience I can say. I knew right then and there that Christ was God. I drove home, ran up to my bedroom, closed my door, got on my knees, and it was just something else. The Holy Spirits presence was with me right in that room, I knew Christ was the Son of God, I picked up the Bible and KNEW spiritually, inside my being, that every word written in it was true. All the anxiety, depression, anger, confusion I had were gone in that instant and I had an insatiable desire to read the Bible, which came alive with each word when I read it. Now I did something very stupid and continued to have sex with my then girlfriend of the time for a couple reasons. I knew it was the wrong choice, but slowly, that act pushed the Holy Spirit out of my life over several months. I was just stupid and its easily my biggest regret in life. Ever since, I had periods where I would repent, but never last. Many problems came back and life went on. Based on that, I will always be a Christian and never doubt. I know its the truth and I still struggle with sex to this day. It's not something I want to give up. But I know I have to at some point. We all have our vices. Sex was something that got me through the worst times, like a drug. Anyway. That's my story.
    #73     Nov 27, 2014
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Interesting story. Thx for sharing.

    I actually went the direct opposite route, I was born and raised catholic, and lost faith when i was kicked out of my house when i was 16. There was definitely something about those days after confession where you felt pure for a bit, but ive given up on God, as he has never been there for me when ive prayed. There is no doubt that it felt alot more assuring when i believed in religion. I wish i could believe but i just cant anymore.

    I dont regret my catholic upbringing as it imposed morals on me, but It was one of the most depressing moments in my life when i simply couldnt believe in it anymore, plus in the back of my head i always feel like i am doing something wrong, because no matter how much i deny it, i still must believe somewhat in the back of my head that i am breaking the rules.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
    #74     Nov 27, 2014
  5. achilles28


    Religion is another form of fear-based mind control, imo. Whether it's true or not is up to the believer to decide, I guess. That God will punish of us for acts against Him. That Governments will punish us for acts against the law. Unpaid taxes, more jailtime. Don't believe xyz, get thrown to the PC dogs. Lots of fear-based mind control going around. I agree.

    There's a lot I don't like about the Bible and God's character and plan, revealed by the nature of this world. But I cannot change it. And I cannot change God. If He is who He is, what can I do? Except submit and accept (eventually) or reject it and suffer the consequences. It's a crazy life man. I definitely don't believe we're dealing with a purely altruistic Creator.... I can see how it can be more appealing to reject the notion of God altogether. But then thats another gamble...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
    #75     Nov 27, 2014
    Money Trust likes this.
  6. LEAPup


    If only your message would reach the masses... Thanks for the post!
    #76     Nov 27, 2014
    Money Trust likes this.
  7. Nothing. What you've got to understand is that blacks in large part don't wanna solve this problem. The last thing they wanna do is lose their victim status. Don't be fooled by them claiming to want better.
    #77     Nov 27, 2014
    slate likes this.
  8. You are really having some interesting discussions going on.
    Myself I have always had proofs, since around 7 years old, that God existed and he had plans for
    me: so I have accepted that I would be his tool for whatever plan he has.
    The God I am talking existed before any human being was born ( as some people think they are god! lol),
    is a merciful God, is a God of good.
    I have also seen great evilness, and first I had difficulties understanding the why.
    But now, I realise that God works in mysterious ways, and the only thing I need to do
    is do my bit.
    #78     Nov 27, 2014
  9. Regarding each person weakness : sex for one, believing in God for the other.
    This means you need to work on these aspects. The New Testament is a good place to start with: you can read and question it - specially for the one who has beliefs issues.
    Question and question. Seriously, may be as it says "some will read and understand, and others not", but it is really logical in a certain way.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
    #79     Nov 27, 2014
  10. DHOHHI


    I thought it was encouraging poor black kids to get an education so that they don't live the same lives as their parents .. although 3/4 of them don't have a father in the home. At least being educated they would have a chance at a better job/career and not walk around protesting about wanting to be paid $15/hour to work at a fast food joint.
    #80     Nov 27, 2014