World’s first anti-ageing drug could see humans live to 120

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Frederick Foresight, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

  2. No thanks!
  3. no to metreform, or no to 120??
  4. No to 120. We can't figure out what to do about all of our social and economic problems with people living into their eighties, and I don't see anything on the horizon that makes me believe we're remotely close to solving our current problems.
  5. So then, in your ideal world, the average lifespan should decline? You know, to help solve all our problems?
  6. your drawing on finite resources at your young age NOW, so what's keeping you from "initiating a departure from the material world", post haste for thegood of rest of us of course:D
  7. ^I'm just saying this wouldn't be the panacea it appears to be at first blush.
    #10     Nov 30, 2015