Video Shows Exact Moment 1,400 Employees Learn They Are Losing Their Jobs to Mexico

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    1400 new Trump voters

    Video Shows Exact Moment 1,400 Employees Learn They Are Losing Their Jobs to Mexico
    by J.D. Durkin | 8:11 am, February 12th, 2016

    Although the decision to inform a workforce of 1,400 employees that they’ll soon be losing their jobs to Mexico is an admirable one from the standpoint of candor, it hardly makes for a good recipe for workplace morale.

    A cell phone video taken at Carrier Air Conditioner in Indianapolis shows the exact moment that the plant and union workers were told that the company had decided to shift production south of the border. “The best way to stay competitive and protect the business for longterm is to move production from our facility in Indianapolis to Monterrey, Mexico,” says the company representative at the microphone.

    Although the change would not take effect until 2017, the reactions from the gathered restless crowd were telling.

    “How long will it take before people start tearing shit up?” remarks one employee.

    Others took the decidedly less civil route in response, as one worker simply yells, “Yeah, fuck you!”

    “This is an extremely difficult decision,” says the rep at the microphone. “It was made most difficult because I understand it will have an impact on all of you, your families, and the community.”

    “We will provide you with as much information as soon as possible about the transition,” he continued.

    Watch the above video via YouTube.
    ETcallhome likes this.
  2. in otherwords, You Americans are getting fat and bloated and still expect to buy a new car every four years. Those Mexicans will work for peanuts and are just happy to have a job. Not to mention, In Mexico everything can be done with a bribe. In USA we have to bribe all members of congress.
  3. Ricter


    Husky just let a bunch go. Social media recorded a lot of tears in that lobby. Sad day for them.
  4. I think I might be a little leery of buying any Carrier units for a while. I'm sure those employees who are getting shitcanned so their bosses can continue to get big bonuses will be turning out high quality production.
    slate and Clubber Lang like this.
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    Yeah i was thinking about this today and i cant see for the life of me why you would leave the employees there, really bad business decision all around, its unfortunate but if your going to do this you basically got to tell the ppl the day before you shutter the plant,guess they were trying to be nice guys about the fact that they are shitcanning an entire plant, but it makes no sense from a business perspective to tell them 2 years before, i would never buy a product from them knowing it could be coming from that plant.
  6. I was also taken aback by the school principal tone the Carrier rep used when he was shushing them. If those employees had any stones, they would have lynched him right there.
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  7. Ricter


    Typically you don't allow laid off employees back to their workstation.
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    Yeah i remember getting canned from one of the first jobs i worked at detailing cars, the manager who knew me escorted me off the premises, wouldnt even let me say good bye to the other employees, it actually made me realise i never want to work for somebody else, i was so pissed that the manager who i was friends with escorted me off the premises, at the time i didnt get it, but i get it now, if your going to can someone you basically got to make it a clean break.

    The odds that atleast 1 employee is crazy when you can 1400 in advance seems way to high to do this, infact you can basically guarantee with that many ppl someone is going to be crazy, most places dont even want to take the chance firing 1 person in advance let alone 1400.
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    This says the change won't take place until 2017. So it's likely they'll continue making units in this plant, and the quality could seriously suffer.
  10. jem


    the giant sucking sound is still happening and we are still allowing it to happen.
    #10     Feb 12, 2016
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.