Trading CME products from Asia

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mmt, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. mmt


    I am based in Asia and I have a server in at the CME Aurora data center. So, if make changes to my trading software from my PC, my server will pick up those changes a few hundred milliseconds later. If my server executes a trade, the trade will show up on my PC a few hundred milliseconds later.

    However, sometimes the latency can increase to several seconds (or even minutes). Sometimes I can't even access the software even though there is no internet issues at my server or PC end (the problem is occurring somewhere between the two locations). I have go through about 15 hops from my PC to my server.

    Can somewhere suggest a solution please?
  2. easymon1


    - Common sense, you never know. Drink a beer, scribble, think about it.
    - Speak with another player who does it well.
    - Tech Support of paid units associated with this setup.
    - Parse it out, let each unit assure you it aint them and maybe they'll suggest a culprit.
    - It could [​IMG] be simple . after you figure it out. lol
  3. mokwit


    Sounds like you are in Thailand. If so only solution is move to better internet country.
  4. IamaMars


    I do not understand your main issue, you presented way too much of them here really no matter what. So I am with last poster here, Thailand are not doing anything with improving their internet really no matter what. So please try to fix it by relocating.