Sold itm straddle

Discussion in 'Options' started by clarodina, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Anyone has a good adjustment on sold options itm straddle on price moving toward the strike price?
  2. xandman


    It's moving towards the strike price, maximum profitability. You shouldn't be doing anything.
  3. Gimpyron


    have you done such trade before?
  4. You did know you are playing in one of a very high risk strategies ?
    How long you has been in option trading ?
  5. This is precisely the strategy Nick Leeson used to bankrupt Barings Bank.
    Gimpyron likes this.
  6. C'mon guys, give him a break. From his question its obvious he hasnt got a clue what he's talking about, unless he typed "sold" instead of "bought".
  7. No breaks are given on this site. :p
  8. Is sold options guts not straddles

    Anyone great guy would offer how he would adjust?
  9. xandman


    Listen up! Check your models. You will see that the delta swings back and forth with the underlying.

    Hedge the delta exposure that you don't want in case the underlying "runs away" against you.

    If this is a short options position that you will hold past an earnings date, I suggest you close the position immediately.

    If you have to ask again, you don't understand what we are telling you. Close the position and hit the books.
  10. Not even sure if he know how to hedge the delta or other greeks
    #10     Feb 1, 2015