So You Want To Be A Modern "Trader": Here Are The Requirements

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by NoVoodooHere, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. destriero


    lol what a pile of shit.
  2. EPrado


    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
    Ghost_of_Blotto likes this.
  3. EPrado


    Not for nothing, but this guy was spoofing in the copper market? His insane. That is not a market I would want to be caught offsides in. I would imagine he could easily have been picked off spoofing a few hundred lots. Good luck getting out of that when copper gets moving.
  4. destriero


    The next slide shows Rob and I staring out the window!


    Jenny Craig Day, 2014

    EPrado likes this.
  5. EPrado


    Wow. They had me at Dumpling Making Class. I can tell the guy on the left is a Ten year Note Spoofer. He's copying the guy in the middle. Huge tell in the land of the spoofers.

  6. EPrado


    Man I must be getting old. Their after work activities include cooking, whirleyball, ping pong......candy poker day ????????? Man times have changed. Half the shit we used to do after trading hours was borderline illegal. Ok....not borderline.

    If I suggested candy poker day I would have had a chair thrown at me. Rightfully so.
    VPhantom, ArbPairs and TraDaToR like this.
  7. cjbuckley4


    I never applied, but a few of my friends interviewed here. They had good things to say for the most part.
    Ghost_of_Blotto likes this.
  8. Banjo


    Peter Pan day, lmao.
  9. Exactly...for many reasons:
    1) spoofers are going to jail soon. The exchanges are creating algos to detect pulled bids and offers.

    2) no one codes in C++ any longer....the code becomes unmaintainable.
    Heck, Tradestation almost went out of business because they had a million lines of c++
    code with no comments and their programmers left them.

    3) "R" is a piece of crap compared to other stat packages like SPSS and SAS.

    4) All "machine learning" buys you is a system that is curve-fitted and won't remain profitable for more than a few months.
    #10     Nov 12, 2015