Russia is now China's biggest oil partner — and it's a huge problem for Saudi Arabia

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by Banjo, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Banjo


  2. Saddam denominated oil in Euros, Ghadaffi in gold... Next on the list is Putin?
  3. Visaria


    Btw, China is the 4th largest crude producer in the world, a little known fact.
  4. Of course they'll accept Chinese currency, if their economy continue to fall at current pace - they will accpet a Chinese goverment soon.
  5. Looks like the Vene oil minister has a much bigger socialist problem.Even with BBC news quoting him , trying to put a positive spin on the price.The market answering him[today] with a daily topping tail candle.LOL

    The laws of math, monthly downtrends,10% daily oil spike may eventually help Arabia more than raising their gas tax, water tax, other taxes.............................................NOT a prediction