Need an example of a trade related to selling implied volatility

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Yasir, May 26, 2016.

  1. Yasir


    How do we sell implied volatility? What will be an example of this trade? Credit spreads??
  2. just21


    sell a straddle.
  3. Amazon has a bout 5 to 6 books on what volatility is and how to trade it. Question is are you willing to do read them or just want everything done for you.
  4. Yasir


  5. OptionGuru


    Optioncrotch ........ Books are 1990's. Education these days is more efficient and up to date through online forums.

    Yasir likes this.
  6. OptionGuru


    Any trade that involves selling OTM options for some sort of credit, with the exception of long butterflies. Butterflies are opened for a debit (+1 ITM, -2 ATM, +1 OTM) but benefit if volatility falls.

  7. Must explain why you offer no value.....
    there are 2 or 3 good books on volatility trading that were written by experts on this subject that are still quite relevant and provide more information than the shit you spew on here with no value whatsoever. A lazy trader is always a failing trader so..

    and your amazing advice was pretty limited in its offering as well.....any trade involving OTM options is your definition of selling volatility?

    Long Butterflys
    Calendar Spreads
    Diagonal spreads
    Short straddles
    short strangles
    short calls and puts (be it OTM or ATM)
    Ratio spreads
    VIX options
    VX futures

    lots of ways to short volatility but listening ONLY to advice here at ET is how you lose money and stay a beginner. DO some research.
  8. Maverick74


    Yeah this is completely false. I love ET!
  9. OptionGuru


    Post an example of what you think fits the OP's requirements, I don't think you will be able to unless it involves selling OTM options. With the exception of long butterflies.

    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  10. I listed a ton of examples which a person who thinks they are a guru would have known but you are right, message boards are a more efficient way to educate the babies.
    #10     May 26, 2016