Looking for quantitative analysis site

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Carlos Hathcock, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Hi,

    I am interested in quantitative analysis sites. The only one I have been able to find in Scott Andrews (MasterTheGap). Master The Gap seems very good. Are there any other people who take a statistical approach to trading?

    Every other site seems to have some scam artist BS'ing about indicators or charts with absolutely no statistical analysis done.
  2. Emil


  3. Maverick74





  4. Thank you both for your responses.
  5. Sergio77


  6. Interesting Sergio. What is the difference between quantitative analysis and statistical analysis? Is it the type of data analyzed or the method of interpretation? Why are the bloggers referred to as "statistical fools"? Is it because sample size too small or their data was curve fitted?
  7. kut2k2


  8. Or is it because they are stupid or because they are idiots? :) Same questions put differently. :)
  9. lol basher - So what is your trading method?
  10. Sergio77


    Why? because they back-test some idea, get 10 trades and publish the results. The funny thing is that they consider themselves quants when in fact they are fools.
    #10     Nov 15, 2014