Lets say your country was about to collapse economically

Discussion in 'Economics' started by nxt7, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. nxt7


    How would you go about protecting your assets, realistically speaking?

    Doomers are always saying to buy physical gold and silver. But wouldn't the government just confiscate it or impose high taxes instead? Also even if you manage to fly off to another country to take refuge, whats stopping their government from seizing your assets in order to maintain their welfare budgets or whatever?
  2. qxr1011


    diamonds are forever :)
  3. Buy property in a city like London or Singapore...

    There is no way to protect your domestic assets against a sufficiently motivated government.
  4. qxr1011


    with sufficient motivated government he will never see shores of London or Singapore :)
    traderob likes this.
  5. Absolutely... So why bother?
  6. qxr1011


    all your property should be invisible, and untraceable
    tom2 likes this.
  7. qxr1011


    well it depends what motivated government wants to do about you and people like you

    some jews in germany marched to the oven for example, revolutionaries in russia executed the rich in masses, commies in china during cultural revolution killed around 20 mill (drop in the pocket by chinese standards (with their staggering population), but still...
  8. just21


  9. just21


    Zimbabwe is another example of an economic system where you have to be long stocks to survive when the money supply is inflated. These days you have the option of bitcoin. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin mined. Buy gold with cash, if you buy with digital money/ credit card then it is traceable if the government decide to make holding it illegal like the US did in 1933. Banning the holding of gold did make the dollar go down and stocks up 48% by 1937. For more examples of bubbles see http://www.thebubblebubble.com/historic-crashes/ then click on the hamburger menu in the top left.
  10. just21


    The way to survive Weimar hyperinflation in the early 1920's was to buy property with borrowed money.
    #10     Apr 21, 2016