It's A Fake, Fake, Fake America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jimmiebarton, Nov 25, 2015.


    Must read!

    "The United States was meant to be a Republic, not a Democracy.

    A democracy runs on majority opinion. In other words, a majority can vote to impose its rule on the minority. A republic contains protections of individual and minority rights, so that no matter who is in power, these basic rights can never be infringed.

    Aside from the above technical definitions, in a broader sense people use “democracy” ” to mean a system where the common people have a fair say in public affairs. Representation! Voting! Even if it means voting for your particular choice for dictator. All this is pure unadulterated bovine excrement.

    Do you vote for endless wars? Do you vote for ever increasing taxes so other people can have free shit? Do you vote to have your privacy violated at every turn in this surveillance state? Do you vote to have your local police militarized? Do you vote for the dumbing of your children, aka Common Core? Do you vote to have your speech restricted to “free speech zones”? Do you vote for 100,000 Syrian Muslims to invade immigrate to your neighborhood?

    Do you get the general picture yet? Your voice means absolutely nothing. They don’t care about you and your trifling needs or wants. Complain too much and they’ll put you on a terrorist watch list. NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOU. The US has been deliberately turned from a constitutional republic into a corporate democracy, and unless there’s a full blown revolution there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. BOHICA."
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  2. "When was the last time a woman had to wonder if that twelve inch python was real, or a Silicone Imposter? Never! Concerning bodies, women are so darned deceptive! Look at the cosmetics aisle at your supermarket. There are ten thousand items all designed to make a woman look like she’s not … and adding insult to injury, it takes her an hour to look not real. I get out of bed and I’m ready in ten minutes …. on a slow morning."

    this guy is hilarious, he's beautiful!:D

    got to read this!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  3. ipatent


    Non-elected (permanent) government has heavy influence over the press, which manipulates the voters into supporting these things or remaining ambivalent.

    If it meant nothing, they wouldn't be bothering to fool the voters anymore.