Intraday data for Black Monday 1987?

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by onlinespending, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. I was wondering if anyone has or knows of a source where I can obtain intraday OHLCV data (e.g. tick, 1-min, or 5-min bars) for the Black Monday crash of 1987? It's really just for my own intellectual curiosity to study the tape of that historic day. I'd also be interested in intraday data for other historically significant trading days that got a lot of public media attention.

    I appreciate the help.
  2. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor

    That I don't have, but you might like this.

    Oct 19 1987.jpg
    alex2123 likes this.
  3. dbphoenix


    It's also worth noting the two lower highs in September and early October, the latter more than two weeks before the "crash". Ditto 1929.
  4. Exactly. The market was already beginning to roll over and was in a vulnerable position. It's not as though the crash came out of the blue without any signs of weakness. Just curious to see how the intraday action went down that day.
  5. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor


  6. Buy1Sell2


    Using a simple RSI/Bollinger Band/MACD analysis on the weekly chart, it was very easy to see that the market had reversed well in advance of the bad day. I have commented on this before.
  7. Like October in 1987, October in 1929 and October in 2008.

    Therefore, if there is another crisis in the future, then it will be next October. (???)
  8. 1in10


    Your full of crap. You would not have known what hit you...maybe in hindsight, your indicators would have mopped the floor after you were done pissing your panties.
  9. Buy1Sell2


    Actually I was out well ahead of that one. That particular one was extremely obvious using the method I just described.--Just as I was out before the 2008 crash (and short).
  10. And what are the BB and MACD telling you now?
    #10     Mar 21, 2015