Interview with 'Market Wizard' and hedge fund veteran, Linda Bradford Raschke

Discussion in 'Trading' started by dealmaker, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. dealmaker


    She makes 2 points that resonates

    1) You can have wonderful days day trading but in the current markets big money is made swing trading which confirms what Mark B Fisher had said. Listen after 17:14.

    2) Educators, bloggers/ vloggers would not be doing what they do if they could make $ trading. Following a Guru is a losing game. Listen after minute 40:00...
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  2. lindq


    This is a very good interview for new traders to help them remember that:
    - Nobody knows nothin'
    - Do you own work
    - What anyone else knows or does is of little value to you
    - Markets and instruments will always change
    - There is no easy path
    - Master one small technique or process as a foundation
    Frederick Foresight and K-Pia like this.
  3. speedo


    Day trading requires a specific skill set and mental makeup. Simply being famous and smart is not enough.
  4. K-Pia


    It's all about avoiding being a sucker.
    Use your brain and evolutionary skills for that.
    Define conjectures. Pay the tuition fees and improve on them.
    If one learn nothing from the various losses. He's doomed.
    The only wise in that game being the P&L. Listen to him.
    She said it herself. She learned nothing from other.
    But she had to test and listen to the wise.
    Only him can teach you what works.
    What doesn't work. Only feedback.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  5. J.P.


    From the LBR site's Five Most Important Things:

    "#5 There is no such thing as a "master" trader or "elite" trader."
    speedo likes this.
  6. dealmaker


    She was a floor trader at Pacific Stock Exchange.
  7. speedo


    I am familiar with her background and respect her work however I understand that she was not a good electronic day trader.
  8. I agree,
    Way too many people are looking for a magical bullet strategy or a Guru God...that will show them a pot of gold instantly -- doesn't work that way.:confused::caution:

    First of all, most likely they're full of stuff...and second, you have to carve out your own path. :cool::thumbsup:
    ....true trading, or greatly successful really a deep journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  9. dealmaker


  10. wrbtrader


    Hedge Funds are less regulated than people think.
    #10     Apr 29, 2016