HSBC stock

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by SaigonTed26, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Hi All,

    I bought HSBC and plan on holding it long-term. I have heard news that there are calls to break the bank up since it is viewed by some to be "too big to manage." I realize they may not even break it up down the road, but if this happened, what would that do to the shares I own in HSBC?

    Thanks! :)
  2. xandman


    I have never heard of a bank being broken up like a utility. A bank is all about aggregating assets. It can never be too big. As for the management part, a reorganization is probably in order. Couldn't guess the timing of that. But, a desired management change can be a nice temporary boost.
  3. Thanks for the reply! :)