HP 2 in 1 Tablet PC-- Buy or Don't??

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by marketsurfer, May 7, 2015.

  1. I am considering an HP 2 in 1 Tablet PC--- It seems fairly cool and light which is what I need for writing, email, and wordpress stuff. I am out of the loop when it comes to new tech--- can anyone advise about these HP machines? I like the fact its cheap and very portable. All suggestions welcome. thanks!
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Why don't you just get a bluetooth keyboard for the iPad you already use.
  3. nkhoi


    never like HP, buy Surface Pro instead.
  4. I have a 2 in 1 Asus laptop and I love it.. I don't know about the hp but my asus is pretty good..
  5. lindq


    I'm glad to have this opportunity to diss HP. I've suffered through many HP devices. PCs, laptops, printers. Hated them all. Clunky hardware and terrible software. And if Carly Fiorina should ever appear on a ballot - which seems likely - I'll be glad to vote against her just because of her association with the company, if for no other reason.
  6. Thanks!!
  7. My iPad is version 2-- slow and clunky to use imho. Looking for portability and windows.
  8. Thanks, they looked very similar to me. I looked at ASUS--- HP is slightly less in cost hence my attraction.
  9. just21


    I just upgraded from an iPad 3 to a nexus 9. Nexus is much faster to render web pages as it has 192 nvidia graphics cores. The price was just cut in the uk to £199 and I can get about £130 for my I pad on eBay. I considered an iPad mini 3 but the CPU was not upgraded last year and it was noticeably slower to render a web page. Apple are behind the curve with the technology and price at the moment. IOS 8.3 made the iPad seem slow. The nexus price cut maybe coming to the US soon.
  10. xandman


    Get the MS Surface.
    #10     May 7, 2015