Completed Python Script - CSV to PDF with Pyfpdf

Discussion in 'App Development' started by OTM-Options, May 26, 2015.

  1. FYI

    • Do you regularly download your brokers transaction history or other CSV files?
    • Do you then perform the same mundane spreadsheet tasks manipulating that CSV file?
    • Do you then output to PDF and print a hard copy?
    • Would you like to output a formatted PDF file directly from the CSV file?
    • Do you have basic 101 knowledge of Python or would you like to learn Python?

    If you have answered yes to the above questions then the Pyfpdf library for PDF document generation under Python might be for you. The feature I like is the HTML tables, you can create a very nice PDF layout directly from the CSV file and eliminate the spreadsheet step. The steps are: CSV in > Python CSV manipulation > Pyfpdf > PDF out

    Link to Pyfpdf: Pyfpdf

    The 200 line Python script below can output a 10,000 line 183 page PDF file from a raw CSV file in 15 seconds. I have also attached a 2-page PDF file that the script generated from a CSV file. Again the big feature of Pyfpdf is the use of HTML tables for layout.

    Python code using Pyfpdf
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # Python version 2.7.6
    from pyfpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
    import datetime
    import time
    csv_in = "TransactionHistory_22523594.csv"
    pdf_out = "TransactionHistory2015.pdf"
    title = "Trading Summary - 2015"
    subject = "Subject"
    author = "Author"
    keywords = "Keywords"
    creator = "Creator"
    def format_currency(value):
       if value < 0:
         results = '${:,.2f}'.format(value)
         value = "(" + results.replace("-","") + ")"
         value =  '${:,.2f}'.format(value)
       return value
    header = """
    <table align="center" width="100%">
    <th width="5%">#</th><th width="9%">Date</th><th width="6%">Buy/Sell</th>
    <th width="4%">QTY</th><th width="25%">Security</th><th width="6%">Price</th>
    <th width="9%">Debit</th><th width="9%">Credit</th><th width="10%">Commission</th>
    <th width="16%">Total Amount</th>
    footer_commission = 0
    footer_debit = 0
    footer_credit = 0
    footer_total_amount = 0
    counter = 1
    split = ","
    join_r = "</td><td align=\"right\">"
    join = "</td><td>"
    html_out = ""
    for line in reversed(list(open(csv_in))):
       if len(line.strip()) != 0 :
         line = line.strip()
         column = line.split(split)
         if column[2] == "Buy" or column[2] == "Sell" or column[2] == "Expired":
           row_counter = '{0:04d}'.format(counter)
           transaction_date = column[0]
           buy_sell = column[2]
           qty = column[5]
           security = column[4]
           price = column[6]
           if price == "":
             price = "0"
           total_amount = column[8]
           currency = column[9]
           transaction_date = (datetime.datetime.strptime\
             (transaction_date, "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%a %b %d"))
           qty = abs(int(qty))
           price = float(price)
           total_amount = float(total_amount)
           amount = qty * price * 100
           amount = int(amount)
           abs_total_amount = abs(float(total_amount))
           if column[8] >= "0" and  column[8] <= "1":
             commission = 0
             commission = abs(abs_total_amount - amount)
           if total_amount <= 1:
             debit = amount
             credit = 0
             debit = 0
             credit = amount
           if debit > abs_total_amount:
             credit = debit
             commission = debit
             debit = 0
           footer_debit = (footer_debit + debit)
           footer_credit = (footer_credit + credit)
           footer_commission = (footer_commission + commission)
           footer_total_amount = (footer_total_amount + total_amount)
           qty = str(abs(qty))
           price = format_currency(price)
           debit = format_currency(debit)
           credit = format_currency(credit)
           if debit == "$0.00":
             debit = " "
           if credit == "$0.00":
             credit = " "
           commission = format_currency(commission)
           if commission == "0":
             commission = ""
           total_amount = format_currency(total_amount)
           counter = counter + 1
           mod = counter % 2
           if mod == 1:
             bgcolor = "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><td>"
             fcolor = "<tr bgcolor=\"#E1E1E1\"><td>"
             bgcolor = "<tr bgcolor=\"#E1E1E1\"><td>"
             fcolor = "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><td>"
           if "(" in total_amount:
             neg_pos = join_r + "<red>" + total_amount + " " + currency + "<black>"
             neg_pos = join_r + total_amount + " " + currency
           if counter == 1000:
             over_flow = "<tr></tr>\n" * 10
             over_flow = ""
           row = (bgcolor + row_counter + join + transaction_date + join + buy_sell + join \
             + qty + join + security + join_r + price + join_r + debit + join_r + credit + join_r \
             + commission + neg_pos + "</td></tr>\n" + over_flow)
           print row_counter
           html_out = html_out + row
    pl = (footer_debit + footer_commission)
    pl_percent = ((footer_credit - (pl)) / pl * 100)
    pl_debit = format_currency(pl)
    pl_debit = "(" + pl_debit + ")"
    f_debit = format_currency(footer_debit)
    f_credit = format_currency(footer_credit)
    f_commission = format_currency(footer_commission)
    f_total_amount = format_currency(footer_total_amount)
    pl_percent = '{:.2f}'.format(pl_percent)
    td = "<td> </td>"
    tdr = "<td align=\"right\"><b>"
    usd = " USD</b></td></tr>\n"
    a = td + td + td + td + tdr
    b = "</b></td>" + tdr
    c = td * 10
    d = td * 7
    if "(" in f_total_amount:
       pl_percent = "(" + pl_percent + "%)</b></td>"
       n_s = "<red>" + pl_percent + tdr + f_total_amount + usd + "<black>"
       n_s = n_s.replace("-","")
       ns = "<red><td></td>" + tdr + f_total_amount + usd + "<black>"
       n_s = pl_percent + "% </b></td>" + tdr + f_total_amount + usd
       ns = "<td></td>" + tdr + f_total_amount + usd
    f1 = (fcolor + a + "Subtotal:</b></td>" + td + tdr + f_debit + b + f_credit + b \
       + f_commission + tdr + ns)
    f2 = ("<tr>" + c + "</tr>\n")
    f3 = ("<tr>" + d + tdr + "Total Debit:</b></td>" + td + tdr + "<red>" + pl_debit + usd + "<black>")
    f4 = ("<tr>" + d + tdr + "Total Credit:</b></td>" + td + tdr + f_credit + usd)
    f5 = ("<tr>" + d + tdr + "P/L:</b></td>" + tdr + n_s)
    footer = f1 + f2 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f2 + f2 + "</tbody></table>"
    html = header + html_out + footer
    class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
       def footer(this):
         this.set_y(-25)  #-25
         this.cell(0,10,'PAGE %s OF {nb}' % this.page_no(),0,0,'C')
    pdf.set_top_margin(margin=18)  #18
    pdf.set_auto_page_break(True, 27) #27
    pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=14)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Your Broker', ln=1)
    pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Trading Summary for 2015', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Account No: ########', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'SIN: ########', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Phone: 1 (888) ######', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,' ', ln=1)
    pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=14)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'John Doe Smith', ln=1)
    pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'1234 Main Street', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Sin City 55416', ln=1)
    pdf.cell(200, 5,'Phone: ########', ln=1)
    input("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit.")

    Last edited: May 26, 2015
    xandman likes this.
  2. xandman


    Did you make this?

    Do you have something that does the reverse? PDF to CSV. I think it would be great to get data from Futures broker daily reports. There is an industry standard report.
  3. how is this even remotely useful given that your code breaks the second one single column in your or others' broker statement differs from the one you hardwired into your code? This is what happens when you let people without much thought process capability lose on general purpose languages. Same issue with R. Tons of idiots running packages/scripts which underlying techniques and methodologies they do not understand in the slightest.

  4. aqtrader


    LibreOffice does already this to convert any document from and to any LibreOffice supported format including csv to pdf. Such as "unoconv -f pdf my.csv", you get my.pdf.
  5. aqtrader


    Do the reverse. Use "pdftotext". You get it.
  6. Tavurth


    I've also written such comment-less abracadabra code, however maintaining it is always a nightmare. Please, comment every block of code.

    If you really have an allergy to writing documentation, put large blocks into reasonably named functions. At least in this way, people can see what fmt_csv_to_table(data) does.

    Try to avoid writing literal strings alongside variable assignment and modification.
    A different way to make the same script would have been to use a function that builds up a buffer from strings.

    buffer_line("<tr>" + c + "</tr>\n")
    buffer_line("<tr>" + d + tdr + "Total Debit:</b></td>" + td + tdr + "<red>" + pl_debit + usd + "<black>")
    You could build on this further by writing a wrapper:

    def buffer_row(string):
        buffer_line("<tr> " + string + "</tr>")
    def string_bold(string):
        return "<b>" + string + "</b>"
    buffer_row(string_bold("Total Debit:"))

  7. Yes ...... Using the Pyfpdf library.

    I have no use for PDF to CSV, but I'm sure there are solutions out there for PDF to CSV conversions.

    • The purpose of my thread is to bring attention to the Python pyfpdf library. It is not a Python tutorial.
    • I personally don't care about comment blocks in the code. Different strokes for different folks.
    • The code is easy to modify/maintain and suites my needs.

  8. Tavurth


    Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.