Cannot Install MultiCharts on Windows 10

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by schizo, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. schizo



    Tried installing the latest build of MC (v9.1.12287.400 x64) on Win10, but the installation failed, failed and failed yet again. Is this just me or is anyone having the same issue?

    Moreover, at the start of the installation, it wrongly recognizes the OS as Win8. This is also stated in the error message above.
  2. The version number doesn't refer to win 8, but to VC++ Package

    However, I am not sure why MC is trying to install win32/x86 package. Are you sure your win10 is 64 bit? Apart from that, no clue. Sorry. But try downloading & installing the package first, and if that goes okay, install MC after that. Here:
  3. schizo


    Thanks for the heads up. Yup, it's Windows 10 Pro x64. I ain't sure why either, since it installed fine on Windows 7 Pro, which was also 64-bit.

  4. Why ruin a pristine Win 7 installation by installing Win 10 on top of it?
    NoBias likes this.
  5. schizo


    No, these are two different OS on two different laptops. Win 7 is on old crappy laptop. Win 10 is on a new laptop I recently got.

    Anyway, I followed your suggestion and installed
    Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
    but received the same error, except it's now version 9. :banghead:

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