Bernanke joins hedge fund, brings quantitative easing to his wallet

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Banjo, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Banjo


  2. blakpacman


    Hiring these big name people is more for prestige and attracting/keeping AUM than anything else, imo.
  3. Good for him!!
  4. traderob


    no one is concerned about the temptations of insider trading considering his intimate, albeit supposedly past, relation with the Fed?
  5. dealmaker


  6. eurusdzn


    So when another August Factor type period happens and they cant figure out
    whats going on, or which venture is collapsing, can they ask Bernanke to contact some friends
    and find out. Can a sitting fed reserve bank executive actually tell Bernanke what they know?
    Say it aint so.
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Yet we are to believe the Fed is not beholden to banks and hedge funds.

    Uh huh. They are independent. Or something.
  8. benwm


    Fed is owned by the banks. Whatever made you believe it was independent?
  9. Banjo


    Tsing Tao likes this.
  10. benwm


    So why should we be surprised Bernanke gets a lucrative job at a hedge fund? That's how this business works. He's not working for the public good, is he?

    PS. Daily Mail is probably not the most reliable source to reference.
    #10     Apr 17, 2015