Automated Trading Strategy

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by CrashProof, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Sergio77


    In a service with many strategies listed some will offer high returns for a short period of time. But then what? GLD has gain > 20% for the year. TLT alone has more than the strategy. What matters most is how robust this startegy will be when markets change.
  2. d08


    Less than 1 year of live trading, mediocre returns, what's there to discuss?
  3. Yeah... It's worth keeping an eye on for the long term to see if it can be consistently profitable. The first part of the year when the market saw weakness the strategy looked like it performed similar to the overall market. I just saw where it has outperformed the SPX fairly well since then. I think the overall market has returned just a little under 3% right now and the TLT is at 11.66%. Have to see how the strategy fairs over the fall and winter months.
  4. d08


    Whenever I look at collective2 strategies, there's at least 10-20 overperforming the market, that isn't saying much.
  5. userque


    Whenever I log onto Amazon, there's only one or two things I'm interested in.
    DaFerg likes this.
  6. Handle123


    Collective2 is like checking all the Mutual Funds, and instead of looking for the high flyers, best to look at which funds lost the least during bad years that Indexes lost and how they did when Indexes were positive. Of course most on Collective2 don't have huge history.

    When did Collective2 start? And any that started that year, are they in existence?
  7. d08



    A few have been closed because of a good curve for a number of years and getting funding by more private means.
    Most just lose a little, lose a little more and aren't updated any longer.
  8. userque


    2003 I think.? What d08 said.
  9. userque


    How do you know this, if you don't mind me asking.
    #10     Jun 20, 2016