another EURO journal worth chit

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by jimmiebarton, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. HaHa:D

    Seriously, I'm going to place a few my trades here just for fun.

    Feel free to post yours, or comments, or whatever insight you may bring.
  2. L EURO 1.0647

    St 1.0586
  3. add L 1.0648

    when your opponent is just off his feet.. PRESS
  4. out longs at my target of 690. flat for now.
  5. S 647

    St 683
  6. add S 632

    target under 620
  7. add S 636

    638 basis on 3
  8. exit shorts
  9. S 639

    St 672
  10. add S 653

    same stop
    #10     Nov 24, 2015