ActiveTick: four condition

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by alex2123, May 14, 2015.

  1. alex2123



    Help to understand the meaning of these condition

    For example:


    In the documentation says:

    Records are returned as an array of trade or quote string records. Each trade string is formatted as follows: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm,1,Last,Size,Exchange,Condition1,Condition2,Condition3,Condition4". Each quote string is formatted as follows: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm,2,Bid,Ask,BidSize,AskSize,BidExchange,AskExchange,Condition".

    Can you explain me please what these conditions (Condition1, condition 2, condition3, condition4) mean?


    PS ActiveTick support keep silent for 3 weeks.
  2. mutluit


    the data covers only the second case (ie. quotes, since the type "2" is for quotes). So, no condition record (type "1") is present in the data set you posted.
  3. @alex2123 Trade conditions map to one of these fields, and typically indicate something other than regular trade:

    trade condition numerical | value
    TradeConditionRegular 0
    TradeConditionAcquisition 1
    TradeConditionAveragePrice 2
    TradeConditionAutomaticExecution 3
    TradeConditionBunched 4
    TradeConditionBunchSold 5
    TradeConditionCAPElection 6
    TradeConditionCash 7
    TradeConditionClosing 8
    TradeConditionCross 9
    TradeConditionDerivativelyPriced 10
    TradeConditionDistribution 11
    TradeConditionFormT 12
    TradeConditionFormTOutOfSequence 13
    TradeConditionInterMarketSweep 14
    TradeConditionMarketCenterOfficialClose 15
    TradeConditionMarketCenterOfficialOpen 16
    TradeConditionMarketCenterOpening 17
    TradeConditionMarketCenterReOpenning 18
    TradeConditionMarketCenterClosing 19
    TradeConditionNextDay 20
    TradeConditionPriceVariation 21
    TradeConditionPriorReferencePrice 22
    TradeConditionRule155Amex 23
    TradeConditionRule127Nyse 24
    TradeConditionOpening 25
    TradeConditionOpened 26
    TradeConditionRegularStoppedStock 27
    TradeConditionReOpening 28
    TradeConditionSeller 29
    TradeConditionSoldLast 30
    TradeConditionSoldLastStoppedStock 31
    TradeConditionSoldOutOfSequence 32
    TradeConditionSoldOutOfSequenceStoppedStock 33
    TradeConditionSplit 34
    TradeConditionStockOption 35
    TradeConditionYellowFlag 36
    TradeConditionOddLot 37

    If you go to exchange directly, and read their spec (, they have descriptions for each trade condition in their appendix B. Very useful actually!