9/11 inside job

Discussion in 'Politics' started by loyek590, May 24, 2015.

  1. loyek590


    so I'm watching cspan like I do every Sunday morning, and they get to talking about why we got into Iraq, and a caller says the 9/11 attack was an inside demolition job.

    Now I know this is a trader's website, and traders are the most gullable people on earth, but what kind of mind contortions do you have to go through to beleive this conspiracy?

    Just was wondering if there are any nutcases on ET who actullay beleive it was an "inside job."?
  2. 377OHMS


    There was at least one very outspoken ET member who was pushing that stuff.

    He got hammered down here in P&R pretty much every time he posted. His nick was AMT4SWA.

    My personal belief is that the Truthers exhibit some modern yet-to-be-identified form of mass psychosis.

    The Warmists also smack of that same flavor but far more widely and with more militant fervor.

    I rather doubt that Truthers would become terrorists but I am pretty sure that the Warmists will.

  3. Yes, the militant warmists like The American Geophysical Union, NASA, NOAA and virtually every sci org in the world and every climate expert. Those militant warmists? lol
  4. achilles28


    If you believe the official 911 story, you either haven't done an ounce of research and/or get your news from mainstream media because you're a drooling moron.

    I believe 911 was an inside job. Years ago, I posted frequently about it, and the self-righteous geriatric FOX viewers who comprise much of Elitetrader (aka the neocons) had a field day.

    You need to research. There's so much to 911 that points to Government involvement. Below is a plethora of links, citing innumerable professionals from all walks of service (Engineering, Military, Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Pilots, Academics) who are much smarter then you or I, and in a much better position to read the evidence based on their related experience, who conclude the official 911 story is bullshit and/or Government involvement is obvious. I would encourage anyone to ACTUALLY READ all of their quotes and evidence.

    Now it would take any reasonable person a few months of constant research to get through all this. I'm sure many here won't because they're old, stupid and believe what Mainstream Media tells them too.

    What you're going to find, if you're intellectually honest and devote the time to do the research, is the astounding number of data points related to 911 media never discuss. And the preponderance of that data point to inside job.

    Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth (2000 members)

    Over 2000 Architects and Engineers dispute the official WTC collapse report and cite ignored evidence which points to explosives in the towers.

    Quotes from A&E for 911 truth

    Richard Gage, the spokesman for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN

    Senior Military, Intelligence, LE, and Government Officials for 911 Truth (220 members)

    Firefighters for 911 Truth

    Pilots and Aviation Professionals for 911 Truth (250 members)

    Academics Question 911 (400 members)

    Medical Professionals Question 911 Official Story (400 members)

    Some of my favorites that prove inside job:

    1) Molten Steel rivers at the bottom of WTC (Building fires rarely exceed 1800 degrees Fahrenheit). Standing jet fuel doesn't burn hotter then 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Steel melts around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit). Fires reported at 2800 degrees in the WTC debris. Look it up.

    2) Major explosion in WTC *sub-basements* and lobby BEFORE the first plane hit.


    3) News, fire dept, police, eye witness report Bombs going off in WTC

    4) WT7 (not hit by a plane) collapses at free fall speed, into it's own footprint. EMT and Police report a demolition countdown prior to it's destruction.

    5) Sibel Edmonds, FBI Translator with Top Secret Clearance Reports US Government working with and controlling Al Queda before and up to Sept 11th.


    6) Project for a New American Century (Neocon think-tank) called for some "catastrophic and catalyzing event" like a "new Pearl Harbor" just a few short years before 911. That event would provide the justification towards a major military buildup and the overthrow and reshaping of the Middle East. The signatories mostly populated the GW Bush Administration (Rumsfeld, Wolfiwitz, Richard Perle etc). The same group were known as "the crazies" 20 years earlier, for their apocalyptic ambitions and total war-fascination. The founding document was written a couple years before 911.

    Some interesting asides:

    1) Operation Northwoods - Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs created the plan to commit domestic terrorism against Americans to create a pretext to go to war against Cuba and Russia. JFK killed the idea. This is what false flag terrorism is.

    1) The Gulf of Tonkin was staged by the American Government. It never happened. Vietnam War ensued killing >50K American troops.

    2) Multiple bombs were removed from INSIDE OKC Federal Building (LOOK IT UP).

    Anyway, there's much much more to 911. This just scratches the surface. If you haven't heard of much or any of this news, you likely voted Obama/Bush twice, watch FOX and MSNBC, and don't know your ass from your elbow.

    I won't reply much in this thread, because I know most of you will open your mouth long before you open one link. Soylent Green, my friends. Soylent Green.
    FortuneTeller likes this.
  5. Oh brother.
  6. TGregg


    I've watched maybe a total of 30 minutes of FOX news my entire life. I don't generally watch TV, certainly not at home. I know I have seen more MSNBC.

    I'm not even going to bother refuting all your points since all the evidence in the world would not make you change your mind. I'll just shatter this one. You do not need rivers of liquid steel for the towers to collapse. Strange as it may seem, metal weakens before melting. Sometimes, some of us call it "getting soft".

    I'd also like to quote Rosie O'Doughnut (another truther) who famously said "Fire doesn't melt steel! Look it up people!" LOL. Guess those steel beams were dug out of the ground wholly formed. Or maybe fairies sprinkled magic dust on the mined steel so they could be shaped.
  7. loyek590


    it really does seem to resemble some form of mental illness
  8. achilles28


    Seems the point went straight over your head: building fires don't produce temperatures anywhere high enough to melt steel. Nor do jet fuel fires. Get it?

    Let a NYPD fire marshall explain it for you. At 3:00 time index he explains very clearly building fires do NOT burn hot enough to melt steel:

    Last edited: May 25, 2015
  9. Meanwhile, the bible is the real deal, right?

    Last edited: May 25, 2015
  10. Molten steel? Did they have it tested? There was a lot of lead in the towers in computers and pipe solder etc. Lead melts at a low temp. So does zinc. Zinc is used in galvanized metal as in HVAC ductwork.
    #10     May 25, 2015