2015 Guesses for GLD

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by billyjoerob, Jan 4, 2015.

GLD finished 2014 at $113.58. GLD will finish 2015 . . .

  1. positive

    14 vote(s)
  2. negative

    5 vote(s)
  3. sideways ie within plus or minus 5%

    1 vote(s)
  1. Zero guessed 2014, so here's your chance for glory . . . Register your guesses.

    Give your reasons below.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
  2. Some of the mining stocks have healthy charts, surprising considering the performance of gold. Also surprised gold hasn't collapsed in face of oil decline.
  3. Handle123


    Well, I think over all stock market will continue to go up on over spending of the government and lowered energy prices allowing USA to spend more with these savings, interest rates will have slight bias higher as government can't afford interest rates to go higher cause that would cost more toward our debt. So I think Gold will be geared more to what stock market is doing, I think it will slide lower, it certainly isn't low enough for me to start buying long term, but will continue to be a good day trading market.

    Thank goodness I don't trade as far as my opinions, cause I am seldom right guessing which direction markets decide to go. For me it is better to watch markets travel whichever direction it want to go and I will tailcoat the ride, unless markets go to extremes as I am then generally counter-trend trader long term. There is no such thing as using logic because markets go up and down based on people's emotions of what is more imaginary than real. So Gold down in 2015.
  4. wow 3 of us voted

    what a sample
  5. drcha


    Mired in muck.
  6. eurusdzn


    Doesn't anyone think that gold is acting better in 2015?
    Can gold price rise with global deflation and a rising dollar.
    Nah, it cant go up.
  7. Buy1Sell2


    oh hohohohohohohohohohohoho
  8. ronblack


    Possibly down about 15% in 2015.
  9. Handle123


    I can certainly be wrong, but it is a long year and market needs decent pullbacks.
  10. blakpacman


    Since 2014 ended with Gold closing at the bottom of its 18 month range, I will venture to say 2015 will close higher, but rangebound. There isn't the inflation out there to drive gold higher, so there's only (other than inflation) safe haven buying right now, which is invariably temporary.
    #10     Jan 19, 2015