Turning $15K credit card debt into financial freedom

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Redsails, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. Hey, man, I feel for you but you have to end this nonsense now. I would like to say you have one chance in a trillion to make it but you do not. You have absolutely zero chance. No Job, No proven trading success, using borrowed money at what? 36% interest.

    Close the account and apply what is left to the credit card and get a job quickly.

    You can open a Forex account with Oanda.com They are a bucket shop but they are quality with good spreads, about the best around and they have no minimums. You can open an account with $50 and trade 50 units if you want. Learn to trade in the live market first, prove yourself to yourself, then trade larger size.

    By "bucket shop" I mean that they give you the live quotes and instant fills and positions but they are "fading you". You do not have an actual position but you do get the profit or loss on the transaction. I suppose that for the few profitable traders they protect themselves with a trading offset.

    Please stop now before you lose it all because it is guaranteed that you will.
    #91     Jun 25, 2016
  2. K-Pia


    MonteCarlo from this Data.
    Small Sample .. Broken into 100K.
    No Commissions are taken into account.
    Just wish you no more day like this shitty one !
    You got to reverse the shape. Run with winners. Cut losers.
    It's FEAR. See what the market can gives you. Take it or leave it.
    DO NOT GAMBLE WITH LOSERS. Set a MAX(Loss) & TAKE IT then repeat.
    Avoid Shoe String Margin (SL) for not being forced to cut loss too often, quickly.
    Which means that you got to deleverage a bit. Better too safe than too risky.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    #92     Jun 25, 2016
  3. I did not pay attention to EUR much but I did anticipate that GBP would depreciate significantly when it reaches/crosses 1.5000 cos this was the dangerous rounding number resistance level. But I did not anticipate GBP to depreciate incredibly so much after GBP poll. Although I am a international financial management tutor, this is the first time that I understood clearly the consequence of adverse policy change and its impact on exchange rate by my heart .
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    #93     Jun 25, 2016
  4. yiehom


    Next, the finger points to the ultimate stop loss: the door...
    #94     Jun 26, 2016
  5. how do you even transfer the money from credit cards to your brokerage? i'm curious :D
    #95     Jun 26, 2016
  6. Redsails


    cash advance then wire transfer
    #96     Jun 27, 2016
  7. Redsails


    Thank you for your comment. But I will try full time trading now. As I said, I can afford to lose 15K. I have a pretty strong resume, so I am sure I will be able to find some job quickly if I fail at trading.
    #97     Jun 27, 2016
  8. S2007S


    Do people actually believe what this guy is doing. It's a joke people.
    #98     Jun 27, 2016
    mm2mm likes this.
  9. S2007S


    Afford to lose $15,000 at 36%


    Come on ....and the people here actually believe you...
    #99     Jun 27, 2016
    mm2mm likes this.
  10. K-Pia


    When you hope making millions.
    You're not afraid to lose 15K at 36%.
    #100     Jun 27, 2016