Free data from yahoo/finance using Python. How about R?

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by jk90029, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. Dear-

    It seems that the following clip shows how to download stock price for ALL stocks in the world, from yahoo/finance.

    Furthermore, it is free and no login and robust to any country's market.

    My question is "Is it possible to use R to do the same data feed for the SAME yahoo/finance site?"

    If so, please explain R coding shortly or show me any link like youtube.

    pennystocker likes this.
  2. For speeding up, we hope yahoo make one NEW page, with thousands of last closes ONLY.

    Possibly, we lose lots of time to refresh another page of browser EACH TIME EACH STOCKS.
    marsman likes this.
  3. For older people who used to EXCEL VB macro only, here is similar clip to do the same work automatically.

  4. isotope


  5. jharmon


    Seriously, you are wasting everybody's time and resources here by not even attempting to search for it yourself. You are not a newbie here.