Historical Data on Shortable Stocks (IB)

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by Achin Agarwal, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Hello,

    I understand that Interactive Brokers (IB) publish a list of their shortable stocks inventory, which is periodically updated, on their FTP site (ftp://ftp3.interactivebrokers.com/)

    Does anyone have an archived set for these lists for historical periods?

    bellman likes this.
  2. Be careful. I have seen a lot of people get run over on short stocks (unless hedged with a long call). I like this selling a short, and hedging with a call as it is the same as a married put, but for bearish positions. But typically stocks that can be shorted have been know to get squeezed higher on the first ounce of good news. This is why the long call protects you. Other than that, I love it. Roberto
  3. ET180


    I agree, I only short with call-spreads
  4. bellman


    Achin, I am also very interested in this. I have an IB account, but I am unable to login to the ftp site.