Analysis vs Trading

Discussion in 'Trading' started by romik, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. romik


    ET never changes, lots of predictions being posted. I suggest all calls of a market direction are to include entry & stop levels and the ones that fail to do so are to be ignored, especially the ones that arrive after the fact, as nobody cares about those ones. One thing is calling for top/bottom, it's completely opposite to be able to trade it effectively.

  2. wrbtrader


    Q3D has recently complained about the folks not "totally spelling out the dangers inherent in day trading".

    I agree. Therefore, I suggest that anyone that decides to share his/her trade method here at ET, post live calls here at ET or gives trade advice on particular trades...

    They should also post a disclaimer statement that spells out the dangers inherent in trading because too many traders do not understand its risky and they could lose money. :cool:
  3. Right!!!... or, uh, you could just completely ignore all of them as it is a free country and they can post as they please whether it proves anything or not.

    There is such a huge ego problem on this forum, it does resemble the pits in a way.

    Bottom line is any idiot can make a trade call and any idiot can follow a trade call. That doesn't make you a trader. In either case, how does one giving trade calls and being forced to validate proof impact your trading in any way? Will that make you any better?
    RabidTrader, zbestoch and i960 like this.
  4. I agree about including entry and stop levels, because that is the key information in any trade. Personally, my long-term win rate is roughly 50/50. I can call trades all day but the truth is, any call I make is 50/50 at best. Coin flip. I don't know. No one knows. But the trick is, if I can find bets that risk 1 and reward more than 1, I will be profitable in the long-run. That's why calling entries and exits are so important.
  5. Separate the wheat from the chaff;
    i can't imagine one would be interested in listening to advice of horrible/failed traders.
    zbestoch likes this.
  6. k p

    k p

    I don't like what you're doing here. You're picking on Q3D just like you were picking on me. You have shared absolutely nothing worthwhile related to trading, which means actually sitting there with a mouse on the button. All you keep doing is knocking on people struggling and call everyone lazy if they are asking for help. You go on and on about how nobody seems to have the ability to search for anything these days, and yet I'm dumbfounded by the fact that you keep posting this over and over again, just wanting the attention of being heard. You can't ever seem to shut when you don't have anything nice to say. Honestly, show me one post where you were actually helpful without saying something mean or demeaning in the same post. In every single reply to me you start by putting me down, and in all your other posts to anyone else, the first thing you do is bitch, then tease, then tell them to go find the info yourself. Honestly, I think you have one of those deranged personalities where you enjoy watching someone else struggle. Why else waste your time saying the same shit over and over and over again? You love the joy it brings you to bring other people down.

    I think everyone understands that trading is risky and you can lose money... why else would there we countless scared traders out there? But you making fun of the fact that you're saying that each post should contain a disclaimer just shows me that you don't in fact understand the underlying message and frustration being shared.
  7. zbestoch


    In other words, be like Bill ...

    Be like Bill.JPG
  8. wrbtrader


    First of all, you do not read all my messages. You specifically told me that yourself.

    Secondly, I'm not require to prove anything to you via giving you a specific link or quote to any info I've discussed at this forum. You have a personal problem as noted by others prior to you ever meeting me. You make rude comments and then when someone notice and calls you out on it like I did and like others have pretend you did nothing and that you're innocent.

    For example, look at our latest exchange. My reply was about Q3D...nothing to do with you. Yet, you made a choice (now notice by others) to reply to me with you bullshit. Now, I'm going to reply with truth and I'm not going to be nice about it. Next, you will surely keep to the pattern in your next message of pretending this particular exchange with did're innocent.

    I do share plenty, its just not information that's interesting to you. For example, I have provided detailed information to newbies wanting to get involved in trading while in college. I've provided the names of universities with state of the art trading rooms around the world, programs, names of those that have direct network with some of the world's top institutional trading firms and contact info. In that one single message post, I got the most likes and it generated approximately 23 private messages for more information that I gladly provided.

    The above information is something I specialize about due to my connection to an organization that manages international trading competitions for universities around the world so that universities can compete against each other in trading involving many different "cases". These competitions are notice by institutions, banks and hedge funds looking to hire new seeds and encourages further sponsorship to the university.


    Further, I have an extensive knowledge about the psychological aspects of trading for discretionary trading that I've shared extensively here at this forum and told others down in Feedback I will only do such again when I'm able to start threads in which I can moderate my own thread to remove the trolls. Baron (ET owner) promise to do such (allow us to moderate our own threads) but has not honor his promise. Until then, as noted to him and others...there are topics I specialize in that I will not provide specific details again until I have the ability to prevent trolls from accessing the info or that attempt to prevent others from accessing the info via harassing them.

    Note: Others have promise to do the same above...they will not share any further useful info at this forum until they have the ability to remove the trolls from their threads that they start for helping others that request info about a particular topic.

    All of the above topics (university trading rooms, trading competitions, psychology of trading) I've never seen you participate within any conversation I've had with others. Thus, its very easy for me to assume these topics are of no interest to you or I can assume you've never read them to correlate with the fact I've consistently stated that successful trading involves a lot more than just trading signals...the latter (trade signals) that you've clearly demonstrated are the primary reasons why you're here at this forum and your own words that you eventually admitted to me in a recent public were hoping to get mentor here. By the way, don't misunderstand, nothing wrong with trying to get mentor considering I myself was mentored. The problem with trying to do such here at ET. Trading forums is not a suitable place for such as you finally realize and openly discuss such even though many have in prior warned you about such long before you met me.

    Regardless, those latter topics involving trade methods/mentoring are two topics I do not participate within beyond telling someone if something doesn't work for them...don't waste your valuable energy and time bashing it when you can easily move on to other things that's more fruitful in your trading. Advice you've clearly ignored based upon the topics you continue discussing here at this forum and keep complaining about as noted by many others prior to me and now I'm telling you the same.

    With that said, I told you once in prior message with specific details for all else to were given specific info to type in Youtube that answer your original question about "whom are profitable traders", "whom are posting live calls to prove such in real trading"...I gave you the specific name of the french company (its name is french) and I spelled it out for you so others here can see such as were provided the info. You only needed to type it into Youtube yourself considering I'm not sitting next to you to force you to do it.

    You have no intentions of clicking on the link considering you're still complaining when others did and in fact found the answers...traders proving in real money competition...there are PA traders that are profitable and that doing such in an audited trading competition in front of a live audience with the audit judges standing next to them with their trade platforms up on a big has in fact open up other job opportunities for them.

    Instead, you change your requests AFTER I posted the info in your effort to pretend I wasn't noted earlier by me for all to see...once again noted again in this reply as you continue to do such AGAIN.

    Once again, I'm not here to inform you about good education videos or mentoring...something I've been upfront with you since meeting you...those topics are not my interest here at this forum. In contrast, I'm here to inform traders about all those other topics that they are not interested about when they should be interested about and arguably more important than their trade signals because I see when someone say they understand while someone else say they just don't get it..I see the problem is the trader...not the method and I want to trader to understand he/she needs to make changes about themselves to get to the level of those that do get it.

    The fact, that you have personally thank me about info and now that you're behaving as if you have a memory problem or split personality as if the other doesn't know what the other one is are without doubt your worst enemy and you will prevent your own self from reaching your goals. You're post in this thread that had absolutely nothing to do with you is proof.

    Q3D is different and not like you. He clearly has lied about his agenda that was revealed in the thread by Visaria about using the service of a particular trading author (if you forgot, you can use ET search on Visaria to figure out whom the trading author is although I'm sure you know whom the trading author I'm talking about). Do you see the pattern here...its a topic I specifically have discuss and provided specific details about. Its now a topic I refer to others via saying...use search because I see a laziness about them.

    The trading author clearly has a disclaimer statement that Q3D pretends doesn't exist (see link below) as proof. Once again, if you choose not to click on that link and respond via complaining...that's your problem.

    Yet, members like Q3D, I'm surely confident ET management is monitoring. I've been here long enough to have seen people like Q3D before and how ET management eventually deals with them. As you can see, you two are not common...everyone knows you attempted to use a resource (this forum) as a poor substitute for mentoring as you later admitted to trying to do and I'm guessing that advice you thank me have no intentions of doing it the right way. In contrast, Q3D is here for one purpose only...something that has nothing to do with your purpose at this forum...comparing apples to bananas.

    Unlike your purpose at the forum...Q3D obviously has a different purpose. He did in fact felt its the responsibility of OTHERS to inform him and to educate him about the inherent dangers of trading even though those OTHERS (except for ET) do in fact have a disclaimer statement that talks about such. In fact, the trading educator that Q3D said failed to inform/educate him about such...that trading author does specifically state in his disclaimer statement and education material (as quoted below)...

    1) Educate yourself about the business aspects of trading

    2) Educate yourself about risk management, money management and trading psychology

    3) If you're new to trading, then you ARE going to lose money

    In contrast, Q3D has specifically stated the trading author did not do the above and he has implied he was not aware of such. As you can see via doing your research via clicking on the below link and then reading it...Q3D is lying and has an agenda as first pointed out by others and now by me.

    Now lets get by on topic and tie the risks of trading that's explained in disclaimer statements by brokers, chart vendors and most trading forums except for Elitetrader...this forum allows folks to make live calls without providing (reminders about) the inherent dangers of trading and inherent dangers of following someone's live calls.

    It could be the reason why some ET members started putting disclaimer statements in their signatures because they are here to make live calls and/or share their trade methods...its obvious they feel that traders like Q3D do not get it and need to see it every time a live call is made, need to see it every time a trade method is discussed. ET members here are constantly telling is tough and if you're here to look for trade signals or trade first need to have all that other stuff setup prior to trying to learn someone's trade method or trying to follow someone's live calls.

    As stated by myself prior to your opinion...I now do get the underlying message they are trying to give...most traders choose to be blind (a very sad fact) and because of such...they'll never see those disclaimer statements even though they are looking right at. Those that do understand, they've already seen it before at their brokers, chart vendors and other forums except for ET...

    Trading is a bitch and extremely risky beyond having a negative impact on your financial situation if you're not properly prepared (I'm not talking about trade signals).

    P.S. Shame on you in not having the ability to recognize Q3D agenda and shame on you in pretending this topic is about you. You got personality problems as noted by others and it will never be good for trading...this is something I do agree with them about such and do not pretend I am the only one telling you about such.

    Repetition is only for those that continue to choose to be blind or lie. :mad:

    P.S.S. Trading is not a fraternity and you need to stop behaving as such. So far, it hasn't worked for you as noted by you in your constant complaints about what others are not doing to be helpful to seen by others besides me. Don't take it personally, some people have other interests in trading at this forum that's not interesting to you (our interaction is proof of such) or they want to be the ones on the other side of your careful about any trade advice about specific trades, live calls by anonymous people. Their openness to share their live calls may in fact to encourage others to be on the other side of their trades. These people are out there as publicly exposed on Yahoo and litigation (lawsuits) particular ET member has been accused of such by the name of AMP (nickname because I can't remember his full member name).
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  9. wrbtrader


    I'm exposing the fact that traders intentionally choose to be blind even if the info is in front of their face..they intentionally choose to not understand that trading is extremely risky especially when I see newbie traders trading or talking about specific trading instruments not suitable for a newbie traders (see prior conversations about such with specific new traders talking about Emini ES futures after they specifically said they are new to trading) along with me giving them specific advice about how to determine which trading instrument is suitable for them. Seriously, new traders come here to ET every week talking about hypothetically how much money they're going to make every day, week, month or per year while others are replying this is not the proper way to approach your trading...these other members warned about risk management, diversification, discipline, psychology, proper trading instruments and many other things. Now those former new traders are still here and now complaining about how tough trading is...they just didn't listen or read.

    Results is another trader that's making a choice t be deaf and blind.

    Note: Like I said before, you obviously do not read all my messages especially this year. I choose (not you) whom I want to be helpful with and about what information. Also, I have once in the past started an education thread here at ET and never again will I do such unless I can moderate my own thread. My thread is listed in ET's Hall of Fame section.

    At the same time, I'm making fun of the fact that we are at a forum called that does not have its own disclaimer statement...if ET does...its no longer in open view (top of forum or bottom of forum).

    This may be the reason why some ET members started putting their own disclaimer statements in their signatures. That's the funny aspect and it got funnier when Baron then removed our ability to have a signature although some said its because some members were using their signature lines to make political & religious statements.

    Therefore, as others attempted to do...each live call and every trade method here should contain a disclaimer statement because there are folks like Q3D pretending to be blind that such statement do not exist along with pretending its the educator responsibility to educate him about such when his broker, chart vendor, trading magazines and other trading services he is using has already done such that he has agreed he understood prior to them allowing him to use their services...

    Another possibility is to only allow live calls, trade journals, trade methods to be posted in a private section of this forum in which does wanted to enter that private section must then click the agree/understand check box for the disclaimer statements about the inherent risks of trading. Very helpful too in keeping all of such in one area instead of spread all over ET.

    Anyways, ET has no such agreement unless such is new in the registration process for new members in which members agree they've read/understand prior to being allowed to post at this forum.

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    #10     Oct 4, 2015