Options Trading Account

Discussion in 'Options' started by Chris Paciello, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. mmt


    is there marketmaking functionality with interactive brokers?
    or do you need to use another software?
    #11     Oct 2, 2015
  2. destriero


    No, not in the traditional sense. You cannot have a "live" simultaneous bid and offer on any option contract, but that's not an issue with any specific broker, as it's a mkt regulatory issue to protect registered MMers. But it's very easy to dump the live-feed into excel and make synthetic markets; i.e., put vs. call flies; iron vs. put(call) flies; call vs. put calendars, etc. For example, you can be 3.20 bid on an NBBO 3.00x4.00 call calendar and 3.80 offered on a 3.00x4.00 put calendar at the same strike.

    It can also be accomplished ghetto by detaching individual TWS quote pages and running one page with call-spreads/combos and one page with puts. Or iron vs. natural on individual pages, etc. It's very easily accomplished on the TWS front-end.

    Most of the (unreg) upstairs MMers that I know babysit a few tickers and run quote-matrices of natural vs. synthetic market-making so that they can have simultaneous working orders to go both long and short an equivalent position.
    #12     Oct 14, 2015
  3. choicetrade is $5 per trade and .15 per contract.
    #13     Oct 14, 2015
  4. elite...have you ever used Involatility? Wanted to look into it and was hoping to find some that have used this service before.
    #14     Nov 13, 2015