There really is only one solution for racism. . .

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, May 27, 2015.

  1. TGregg


    The problem is all the evil white people who oppress black people every minute of every day and all the evil that shoots out their fingertips, drips from their eyes and bursts forth from their mouths. Even white liberals acknowledge their terrible racism and oppression of black people. If white liberals cannot stop themselves, what hope can the rest of the great unwashed masses have? Absolutely none. We've tried political correctness, we've tried affirmative action, we've spent trillions on this stuff. Hasn't helped, because white people are so evil, so committed to racism both big and small.

    There really is but one solution. You can read it here:
    achilles28 likes this.
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    America's last bastion of racism is liberal universities, where else is it acceptable to openly discriminate based on race?

    Where else would it be acceptable for so called "respected" staff members to pigeon hole people based on the race of ancestors who came more than a century before them?

    Where else would it be acceptable to hire, grade, and promote people solely based on race?

    Where else would an employee be allowed to openly foment lynch mobs based on race, with full support of the faculty?

    Where in America besides liberal universities would this shit not only be ALLOWED to go on, but highly encouraged?

    The only difference between the k.k.k. (which liberals created) and modern "progressive" groups is that they have changed their target, back then they tried to say it was the black man holding their voters down, today, its the white man holding them down.

    Racial division has always been a core piece of the commie puzzle, they rely on being able to convince people that their shitty ideas arent to blame, but instead its the guy next to them who is causing the abject poverty that just so happens to dominate every place where their ideas have been tried.

    There is NO ONE who is more racist than the modern liberal, they are the only ones in society who view every situation in terms of black and white. They still openly encourage their supporters to look at every single situation through the same lens.
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  3. achilles28


    Really well said, Max (owe you an email). Nail on the head.

    Ever consider this is all divide and conquer? The Marxist-Communist Left is really a tool to provide political cover? Keep us all divided, arguing over meaningless things like race and class so we can't unite over the real issues?
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  4. It's all "Left/Liberalism". Their objective is to control and dominate every aspect of everyone's life (except for the ruling overlords, of course.)

    Most most can't quite get the concept....

    "Leftism has some variants, but their intentions are similar... Socialism, Progressivism, Communism, Marxism, Facism, Nazism." They'll allow nothing to stand in their way. Not truth, not fairness, not racial harmony... and not a bunch of other virtues, either.

    America WAS the last bastion of freedom. Not any longer. Better enjoy what you have while you still can.

  5. That solution in the article is hilarious. Even if whites were to segregate from all non-whites, people would still cry racism because whites would also take their resources with them. What you've also got to understand is that it's not all minority groups who have a problem living around whites, just blacks. Every other group seem to get along well. That being said, what blacks really want is for whites to continue to provide resources for their survival, but at the same time, have no say in anything that goes on. So, if whites were to segregate, they'd of course cry racism because "whitey left us here to starve."

    I'm telling you, today's social environment is a no-win for whites.
  6. TGregg


  7. Ricter


    If there were only "whites" in this world we'd soon start sorting and hating each other based on hair color.
    dbphoenix likes this.
  8. dbphoenix


    Or eye color (remember?)

    People who are prone to hatred will find any excuse for it: where you live, how much you weigh, what your sex is, height (short people ain't got no reason to live), where you're from, how much money you have, how pretty you are, how ugly you are . . .
  9. 377OHMS


    True. Completely true.
    Ricter likes this.
  10. Ricter


    Which comes first, the hate, or fear?

    Edit: a flawed question perhaps. According to the Tao te Ching, love and hate arise mutually. Something to ponder...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
    #10     Jun 2, 2015