Anybody out there familiar with MTI- Market Traders Institute??

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by AM Bankus, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Neville


    Whoever you are have you experienced MTI Forex first hand? I have so I can speak from experience. It's people like you who slander other companies without justification which damages a reputation. I'm not defending anyone just stating my experience and what's correct!
    #61     Mar 12, 2015
  2. RedDuke


    No one in their right mind would teach a viable strategy for $. The odds of that happening are very slim. And you certainly not gonna get it from vendors like MTI. If someone wants to shorten a road a bit, they can pick up some basics from such vendors, but no one should expect that they will tech them how to make money.
    #62     Mar 12, 2015
  3. I made an appt with one of the educators. Bottom line very pushy about selling their course. He wanted an on the spot decision for me to spend $6000 immediately on my first introduction to the seminar over the phone. When I explained I needed time to think about it he went on the attack and insinuated that maybe I didn't "qualify" because they wanted students who could make decisions quickly. So pushy I hung up on him and I am not the kind of person that would generally do such a thing. Wouldn't trust a company like this.
    #63     Mar 13, 2015
  4. Neville


    Stuart, have you ever been in sales? I have in many jobs from commission only etc. Now first to note is that your salary depends on your sales. Second I am not saying what he did was right and maybe he should not have been too pushy but if your'e not ready to go then time to move onto someone who is. Time is money as they say. I'm sure whoever sold me the package after hearing I got a refund was spoken to about retention. Btw he wasn't pushy with me. You must have just got the wrong person. Infact I asked him for a couple of days to think about it.
    #64     Mar 13, 2015
  5. Market Traders In.

    Market Traders In. ET Sponsor


    As a representative of MTI, I just wanted to congratulate you on completing The Ultimate Traders Package on Demand™ and really putting forth the effort to become a pro trader. If your situation ever changes, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-800-866-7431 ext. 283 to rejoin our family of traders. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
    #65     May 27, 2015
  6. Market Traders In.

    Market Traders In. ET Sponsor


    I’m a representative with MTI and I’d like the opportunity to speak with you about some of your concerns.

    While it is true that we inform our students about additional systems that could help them with their trading, we do our best to make sure that our team members do not overstep their boundaries. Our Education Specialists are dedicated to changing the lives of their assigned students. That’s why we email our students consistent market updates and hold educational client-only webinars as a part of our no trader left behind mantra.

    I don’t blame you for questioning why we would teach traders viable strategies if we could just make money trading them ourselves. The same question can be posed to Bill Gates. As CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, why does he agree to appear on TED talks to discuss technology? He does it for the satisfaction of helping others and the same can be said for our Senior Market Analysts.

    As a trader yourself, you should understand that the Forex market is open 24 hours a day/5.5 days per week, allowing our educators to not only teach students, but also trade during the times they are not busy in the classroom.

    Hope this helps address some of your concerns. I’d like to extend the offer for you schedule a one-on-one call with one of our expert traders so the two of you could discuss your issues and work towards a solution that could benefit you.

    Please give us a call at 1-800-866-7431 ext. 283
    #66     May 27, 2015
  7. RedDuke



    Bill Gates example is very inaccurate. Microsoft makes software and sells it, so talking about technology is very different with them sharing Office source code with the public. Source code is fully hidden, and this is their bread and butter.

    If you have a viable system, all you need to do is automate and scale it to the max that the particular market allows. If it is a gut fell, well you can not really teach it.

    I absolutely have nothing against your company, you provide a service and people willing to pay for it. But what most of them do not understand is all you really teaching them is some basics about the market, basically shortening the trip for them a bit. After they spend $ at MTI, they would need to spend years building their own way of how to trade successfully.

    Thanks for the offer, but there is no need to a phone call. There are no issues.

    #67     May 28, 2015
  8. legionx


    Hello all, I have bought the Ultimate Package of MTI in roughly 2008. I wanted to get rich quick but get the best education to learn the market, how to trade. I did not know what I was getting into, how steep a hill I have to climb and still climbing. I am sorry to say after so many years, this package does not work. Does not work if you want to apply everything you have learnt with this product. From Inner-outer trendlines, upper bell lower bell curves, different pennants from flag pole to diamond pennants, fibs, swings, the abcd swing pattern method which Chief has invented (not exactly in those words) etc etc etc. It has been eight years now and I have not made any money in the market just by receiving a formal forex education from MTI. While I am ashamed of myself for that, it is only me to blame. The theory of 10% skills and 90% emotions do exist people. I hate loses, really do. However, after I have found a company called TopStepTrader, it is there I finally put together a system in my head that I have learned from MTI and made it my own based on my personality (after so many failed combines). I did not pay 6k like most people but 3k because I had a great sales person :), I can be one too if I tried, integrity integrity integrity. In futures, in my humble opinion it is better to trade than forex because of the leverage. MTI's education is sound and profound, very legit. Do not try to do every strategy you can find, it will not work!!! It's better for you to learn the market than someone steals your money promising big returns. The lesson that really stood out for me is lesson 15 where Chief drew his trendline and focuses on different zones. I looked at it over and over and over again including the lessons of how to draw my trendlines correctly and entry signals. When in TopStepTrader and you are day trading, you have to be ready like an athlete, gunslinger if you will. One of the things that I do is repeat my system in my head over and over again while visualizing the concept. There are going to be believers and disbelievers in the market. Who are you? BTW, looking at multiple timeframes are overrated :). Has anyone looked at Francis Hunt's aka "The Sniper" videos already? He trades only one strategy. Good luck all, but just so you know I am not affiliated with MTI and TST does not pay me for this. I got my information about MTI and TST from blogs I have read with other people's opinion. I do not want to be like Captain Planet but "the choice is yours".
    #68     Jan 9, 2016
  9. mmcleod2


    I would avoid these people. They offer a money back guarantee which they refuse to honor. It is a total scam.
    #69     Sep 8, 2016
  10. Have you gone out of your way to find a mentor to teach you instead of going to an institute?
    #70     Sep 8, 2016