Use momentum indicator to evaluate a Support/Resistance line?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by bobpit, May 3, 2015.

  1. Tavurth


    Here's some regression code I wrote a while ago. You add values in a linear series using the $regression->add($price) function.

    Calling $regression->pos($xPos) returns the price of the linear regression at that position. Should be fairly simple to compute the difference of price from regression @ $xPos.

        class Regression {
            public function 
    __construct() {
            public function 
    update() {
                if (
    count($this->tableR) < 10)
    $n count($this->tableR);
    //Offset of the linear regression
    $this->aVal = (($this->tableT['y']*$this->tableT['x2'])-($this->tableT['x']*$this->tableT['xy']))
    /*    ----------------------- */ /*    ----------------------- */
    //Gradient of the linear regression
    $this->bVal = (($n*$this->tableT['xy'])-($this->tableT['x']*$this->tableT['y']))
    /*    ----------------------- */ /*    ----------------------- */
            public function 
    reset() {
    $this->tableT = array('x' => 0'y' => 0'xy' => 0'x2' => 0'y2' => 0);
    $this->tableR = array();

            public function 
    add($value$update=TRUE) {
    $row = array();
    $row['x'] = count($this->tableR)+1;
    $row['y'] = $value;
    $row['xy'] = $row['x']*$row['y'];
    $row['x2'] = pow($row['x'], 2);
    $row['y2'] = pow($row['y'], 2);
                foreach (
    $row as $key => $value)
    $this->tableT[$key] += $value;
    $this->tableR[] = $row;
                if (
            public function 
    add_array(array $values) {
                foreach (
    $values as $value)
            public function 
    pos($x) {
    $this->aVal + ($this->bVal $x);
            public function 
    std_dev() {
    $mean 0;
                foreach (
    $this->tableR as $set)
    $mean += $set['y'];
    $mean /= count($this->tableR);
    $sum 0;
                foreach (
    $this->tableR as $set)
    $sum += pow($set['y'] - $mean2);
    sqrt($sum / (count($this->tableR)-1));
            public function 
    a_val() { return (isset($this->aVal)) ? $this->aVal FALSE; }
            public function 
    b_val() { return (isset($this->bVal)) ? $this->bVal FALSE; }
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
    #21     May 26, 2015