[IB newbie] stop paper mail for earning notification?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by jk90029, May 18, 2015.

  1. Dear-

    As below, I can receive email notification.

    May I stop IB to send paper mail to my physical address?
    If so, where is the menu to request?

    Appreciated if someone can direct me specific menu location, please.
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  2. xandman


    It says on the bottom.
  3. I followed yours but no place found to ask to STOP MAILING TO physical address.

    Here is my capture.

    Possibly I CANNOT stop receiving paper mail...(?) / Email is fine.
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  4. xandman


    I am not sure. I though email was standard.
  5. loyek590


    ib will never snail mail you anything, even if you want them to. You'll get a security token by snail mal and that is it.
  6. Probably, due to my short English / what do you mean "snail mail"?
  7. IB-AN

    IB-AN Interactive Brokers

    Snail mail refers to mail sent via postal delivery. We very rarely communicate in this manner and the notice you are referring to is sent electronically exclusively (e.g., email, Acct Mgmt Message Center). As the notice states on the bottom, you can unsubscribe by logging into Acct Mgmt and following the menu options provided.
  8. What did you mean "logging into Acct Mgmt and following the menu options provided"? possibly due to my short English.

    All I want is 1)keep receiving earning notice by email and 2)stop receiving paper mail(earning notification).
    Of course I should receive important paper mail from IB, such as security code card for log-in.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  9. IB-AN

    IB-AN Interactive Brokers

    If you want to keep receiving it via email, there is nothing for you to do as that is how it's currently delivered. As is the case with virtually all communications, we don't send it out by paper mail so I don't understand that comment.

    If by paper mail you are referring to shareholder materials such as annual reports and proxy information relating to securities you own, those are managed by a 3rd party. You can elect electronic delivery of those materials by submitting a formal request through the Message Center in Acct Mgmt. If you believe that you are receiving some other sort of paper mail via postal delivery, please feel free to PM me with details as to that content.
  10. hajimow


    Perfect answer as far as I know. IB does not send you any mail. does not even send yout tax form by mail. Does not even mail you if you have margin violation. Everything is optimal and perfect to reduce cost and transfer it to the customers.
    #10     Jun 2, 2015