Simple way to get daily data for roughly 400 equities?

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by jk90029, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Dear-

    There are many ways to retrieve historical data, e.g. or

    I wonder if we can make OUTPUT file of last 1200 days and 400 equities, with 1200 rows and 400 columns, given the INPUT file (symbols of TAB format) as attached below.

    Therefore the TAB text with name dataC.txt will dimension 1200 rows and 400 columns(symbols can be changed by any trader) with first row for yesterday

    Likewise, dataO.txt has daily open, dataH.txt has daily high and dataL.txt has daily low.

    PS) Please do NOT recommend me time-consuming 400 typings in each chart separately.

    PS) IB API / Python / R might be OK as well as Excel.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
  2. NinjaTrader ( ) + coding in "ninjascript"(i.e. C#) + Yahoo or Google finance ...
  3. 2rosy


    You can get the data from quandl. They have a few apis available
  4. Thanx for both.