Tudor Jones "Why we need to rethink capitalism"

Discussion in 'Economics' started by game, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. sprstpd


    There are probably some pretty good genetics that get wasted due to malnutrition and lack of material wealth in all parts of the world. So I don't agree. It takes both (and luck).
    #21     Apr 17, 2015
    bjw likes this.
  2. loyek590


    no kidding, don't forget favorable weather
    #22     Apr 17, 2015
    piezoe likes this.
  3. MrN


    You are not disagreeing you are making a completely different point with no relevance to what I wrote.
    #23     Apr 17, 2015
    piezoe likes this.
  4. sprstpd


    Whatever dude. Reread your post and say that again with a straight face.

    By the way, "in the future" we will have genetically modified babies anyway so even if you don't have "good genetics" it won't matter. Just use some "money" to get better genes.
    #24     Apr 17, 2015
  5. As far as I know, there have been some unconventional directions of New Economics, such as The Institute for New Economic Thinking http://ineteconomics.org/ .

    I myself only have had a very primitive touch on the 4 schools/directions below:

    1. Soros - http://ineteconomics.org/george-soros-why-we-need-rethink-economics-0
    " George Soros: Why We Need To Rethink Economics ; In this short interview, Institute for New Economic Thinking co-founder George Soros tackles the question at the heart of the Institute’s mission: What’s wrong with economics and what can we do to change it?

    “Economic theory needs to be rethought from the ground-up,” Soros says. He specifically criticizes economists who are trying to produce theories that behave like laws in Newtonian physics, which Soros has long believed is impossible.

    To change this, Soros says economics needs to reexamine its own behavior. “You need a new approach with different methods and also different criteria of what is acceptable,” he says. And he says that economic thinking needs to begin addressing real-world policy questions rather than simply creating more mathematical equations."

    2. Deming - http://maaw.info/ArticleSummaries/ArtSumDeming93.htm
    " Deming, W. E. 1993. The New Economics For Industry, Government & Education.
    Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering Study.

    In the preface Deming states that the present style of management is a modern invention and represents "a prison created by the way in which people interact." The present system includes competition between people, teams, departments, divisions, students, schools and universities. Although economists have taught that competition will solve our problems, we now know that competition is destructive.

    A better approach is for everyone to work together as a system. The solution to problems comes from cooperation, not competition. We need a transformation to a new style of management Deming refers to as Profound Knowledge. This includes four parts: appreciation for a system, knowledge about variation, theory of knowledge, and psychology. The purpose of this book is to start the reader on the road to knowledge and to create a desire for more knowledge. This book, according to Deming, is a textbook for engineering, economics and business students, to be used to prepare students for the future. "

    3. The Quaker Economist : http://tqe.quaker.org/
    " The Quaker Economist is a free electronic journal devoted to examining worldwide economic, social, and political problems as if people matter. It harks back to original Quaker beliefs in the validity and importance of the individual. Readers are cordially invited to send us brief commentary on these essays. We include an edited selection of these comments at the end of each essay. "

    4. Ethical Capitalism http://www.ethicalcapitalism.net/
    " The Ethical Capitalism Network is a non-party political organisation, but obviously some people in the network will be members of various political parties in order to try to encourage them to adopt more ethical policies, leading to ethical societies across the world (and hopefully an entirely ethical world eventually).

    I live in Britain, and perhaps an ethical society will first be created here, but it could quickly spread to many other countries around the world. Hopefully ethical capitalism will be capable of solving many if not all of the world’s most serious problems, including poverty, unemployment, famines and environmental destruction. The struggle for ethical capitalism could lead to some sort of socialist world, or an ethical world with some capitalist and some socialist countries, and I personally am a socialist, but the Network is open to those of other political persuasions. "
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
    #25     Apr 18, 2015
    piezoe likes this.
  6. Visaria


  7. piezoe


    I don't know whether this is true, but it is food for thought to be sure. Very interesting!
    #27     Apr 18, 2015
  8. piezoe


    Thank you game for posting PTJ's TED talk -- I could have given that same talk. That's how closely my own thinking aligns with his. Capitalism's situation is rather dire. Jones is pointing out a better way to achieve less societal disparity and at the same time save capitalism from self-destruction. He reveals himself as someone uncommonly smart and articulate who thinks more deeply than most of us.

    A question in my mind is, "can capitalists reform themselves?" I don't know the answer for sure, but I think they can so long as they can get to the point where they realize that reform is in their own best interests.
    #28     Apr 18, 2015
  9. .....Lol......that's the same problem I have been pointing out all along. You are asking a drug addict with a needle in his hand not to inject it. Or an alcoholic (emphasis is on NOT recovering) to give a speech how to sober up. And now Jones (PTJ lol, is he your best buddy or something?) talking about reforming campaign financing and how to save the poor? How much more contradictory can it get? Seriously if this guy fed you shit and told you it was cereals would you just down them with a satisfied smile on your face?

    It's funny how people smirk at guys like Ron Paul who has faught his whole life for a good cause and aside that was probably the best informed, most honest, and smartest politician of his time and when a hedge fund manager plays politician in Florida or where have you you people suck his c... and worship him? No surprise even a bee colony can easily outsmart the average American public.

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
    #29     Apr 18, 2015
  10. Gringo


    Everyone seems to be talking about capitalism. Before this discussion can go further how about defining the below first?


    Once the differences are clear can we begin to talk about what works and what doesn't.

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
    #30     Apr 18, 2015