Sterling Pro glitching

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Bigmoobs, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Bigmoobs



    I trade through Sterling pro and have recently been finding it difficult to trade with it.

    I have found that I was in open positions without my consent (coming in at 9:30 and in and finding 1000 shares of x stock) Or the charts being laggy or outright freezing! (this main problem is the most frequent and reoccurring).

    My specs for the computer are more than the recommended and speed is acceptable (20 mbps)

    Has anyone else had these problems with this software?

    If so what were the solutions to these problems?
  2. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor

    -You are seeing stock positions you don't know? That is weird and you should talk to your broker.

    -Lagging a freezing could your internet connection or server issues. Sterling has servers all over the world and they are self balancing. So if you see issues, log out and log back in, and they should direct you to a server that has a lighter load.If that does not help, contact your broker or Sterling support when it's happening.
  3. I trade with Sterling. The open is pretty slow, even with liquid stocks. It can take as long as two minutes to fill an s&p 500 stock at the open. Other than that, I love trading with Sterling.
  4. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor

    That's not acceptable. Your execution should be a fraction of a second. I have clients on Sterling and don't have these issues with equities. Option feeds can be delayed or freeze, but that is not typical either.