How do I access Sent messages in private messages? Gone, w/ new format?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by MISSSNP, Jan 20, 2015.



    can someone tell me how can i access my sent messages in my private messages?
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    • In the upper right click "Inbox" which will bring up your private threads
    • At the bottom of the list in the center click "Display Options"
    • Then Show only private threads: and in the drop down box select "Started by"
    • Immediately to the right of that type in your username
    • To the far right click "Set Options"
    Now you will only see a list of private messages that you sent/started


    what about the old format, more intuitive, sent messages, and inbox, thats it, what is the new crazy format? go back to the old format, which all other forums are using anway???!!