Bring It On

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dbphoenix, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. dbphoenix


    John Boehner says Barack Obama is damaging the presidency itself.

    John Boehner.

    The same John Boehner who has done more to divide and damage the institution of the United States government than any Speaker since the Civil War, that John Boehner, says Obama is trashing the presidency and stinking up the White House.

    I’ll remind you that this is the same John Boehner, acting for his party, who has repeatedly embraced a strategy of gridlock and obstruction in order to counter the president at every turn. Every turn. Every single one. For two years John Boehner’s party, the party of hysteria and paranoia and insane conspiracy theories run wild, has done nothing, absolutely goddamnednothing, but hurl the most vile of insults and accusations at the president and has deliberately, proudly, refused to work with Obama in any fashion whatsoever.

    Over the last five years, congressional Republicans led by John Boehner and his ilk have treated Vladimir Putin with more respect than the President of the United States.

    And this guy says Obama is damaging the presidency?

    Oh, the irony. more . . .
  2. The GOP are a bunch of ignorant do-nothing obstructionist douchebags.
  3. You want "gridlock and obstruction"...look no further than Harry Reid.
    Oh, and how about your dear leader ramming Obamacare through with shady back room deals.
    AND let's not leave out the Amnesty bill that the overwhelming majority of the country doesn't want.

    Fuck you and your socialist ilk for deliberately trying to destroy the country
    LEAPup and Max E. like this.
  4. dbphoenix


    The ACA passed.

    It's not amnesty. And it's not a bill. Therefore, so far, no gridlock and no obstruction.

    You're very welcome. Thank you so much for dropping by. Do come back real soon, y'hyuh?

    And do read the article in its entirety.
  5. Clubber should be pissed off with the above two.:rolleyes:.
  6. dbphoenix


  7. LEAPup


    You are sadly correct. These tyrants have literally attempted to destroy America, and "rebuild" it as a total government control, eat cake and die, fucking mess! Our system has been proven the most effective, most productive, congruent to true freedom system in history. These bastards want to shit can that, and replace it with communism, which always fails in time. Tea anyone?

    And I'll note, American government has basically been on the wrong path for the last 100 years. A path leading away from freedom, and towards bigger, and bigger gubment... The fuel went on the fire with the Patriot Act, the snooping, wars without enough boots, and what Onazi has done. If I mentioned that tyrant's crimes against freedom, I'd be all day typing. Our Founders would literally torch DC, and start over with the Constitution in hand..
  8. dbphoenix


    Since the above is the exact opposite of what's said in the article, it really is helpful to read the article before commenting on it.
  9. jem


    you want to know about the destruction of the country and the sellout to cronies...
    know this...

    give billions of tax payer dollars to insurance companies drive up rates and force people to pay money to a third party... or just have the govt pay (single payer).

    Which one do you think a govt serving the people would pick?
    You want to know about democrat voter stupidity ask Gruber.

    Remember the tea party was dead set against Obamacare and now 29 of the senators who voted for it are gone. (from what I read)
    #10     Nov 22, 2014