Where is Netflix Going- 500 or 300?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by myoffices, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Only 1 out of 29 anal-ysts has a SELL rating :cool::cool::cool::cool:

    Only thing to do is keep CRAZY-Land in the distance and view only thru' binoculars occasionally for a good laffffff, but then continue to revel, dance & enjoy, forget about the rest, too much stupidity for me. ...... ah-ee-tee (Haiti) it is for some cool rhythms :):cool::D

    #21     Oct 21, 2014
  2. chimera


    Those numbers mean nothing. Absolute junk science. What's so magical about 38.2% and 50%? Nothing.
    #22     Oct 23, 2014
  3. Netflix trading in range to downside on weakness. Within range - $300 downside support with upside target still to $500. Next year more content + subs coming.
    #23     Oct 23, 2014

  4. Stupidest newbies finding AfterLOS? Do birds fly? Does it get any stupider? YES. Is there a bottom to ignorance and stupidity? NO!! Its a perennial bear market :):cool::D

    A primer on Fibonnaci for all US govt. Food stamp and assistance recipients - that means half the population. The other half, i.e. the ones who still have jobs most likely know this or have read something to the effect. But dig this, even stupid fellas' bodies obey the Fibo and golden ratio sequence to a T.


    Don't miss out on the link below, amigos :);)


    #24     Oct 24, 2014
  5. [​IMG]

    PHI = 1.618 :);)



    The knowledge of phi (phi = 1.618...) was known and revered already by the ancient Greeks. Euclid solved the problem of finding the golden section of a line. This knowledge extended beyond the mathematicians and philosophers to the artists and architects. The temples, the most sacred and enduring structures, were based on phi.


    In fact Gann's 144 is a Fibo #
    #25     Oct 24, 2014
  6. A FEST for the stupidissimos:

    PHI = 1.618

    Leonardo Fibonacci who lived in the thirteenth century. In "Liber Abaci" (the best known of his three major works published) the Fibonacci sequence is first presented as a solution to a mathematical problem involving the reproduction rate of rabbits. The number sequence presented is

    1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, ...

    The sequence has a number of interesting properties. The two most noteworthy ones are first, each Fibonacci number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it, thus it is an additive sequence.

    For example, 3 and 5 equals 8, 5 and 8 equals 13, 8 and 13 equals 21 etc; and second, the ratio of each Fibonacci number to its preceding number is alternately greater or smaller than the golden ratio. As the sequence continues, the ratio approaches the golden ratio, 1.6180339..., known also as "phi". For example: 144 / 89 = 1.617977, 233 / 144 = 1.618055 etc. The ratio of any number to its higher number approaches .618, after the first four numbers. For example, 144 / 233 = 0.618025 etc. Notice the values of 1.00 (1 / 1), .50 (1 / 2) and .67 (2 / 3) that area also important retracement levels (see "Fibonacci and phi in nature")

    Here is a partial list of other intriguing properties of Fibonacci numbers.
    - the sum of any ten consecutive Fibonacci numbers is divisible by 11
    - every third Fibonacci number is divisible by 3, every fourth is divisible by 5,
    every sixth is divisible by 8, etc. (divisors being Fibonacci numbers).
    #26     Oct 24, 2014
  7. PHI = 1.618

    Studies show the proportions of phi are found in man.

    The average height for the navel of a man is .618 of the total body height (figure 31 "human body"). The same proportion is found between the bones of the human hand (figure 32 "the human hand"). The human body, including the head, has a Fibonacci five appendages attached to the torso. The hands and feet each have five fingers or toes. Our senses also number five, sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. The Fibonacci sequence has been found in the solar system. Planets with more than one moon have a Fibonacci correlation in the distance from the moons to the planet. A similar Fibonacci relationship holds true for the distance of the planets to the sun.
    #27     Oct 24, 2014
  8. AfterLOS only escape from stupidity of the masses is:

    - - s-- :D:D:D
    #28     Oct 24, 2014
  9. Here we are again NFLX above $500 who is your daddy? Drop range with turnaround point was right on. If you trade you need a range to work from.
    #29     Apr 24, 2015