Fixed Theme Based on Old Colours

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by justrading, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Baron, on 18th August you said this would be done within a couple of weeks. I appreciate you have been busy, could you give an indication when this might be ready?
  2. I would like to know if it is going to happen or not also. The new and improved ET is too bright in it's color. Gives me a headache. :(
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I just added a Classic style, which is still under construction, but it's definitely usable and should help a lot. Just click on "Modern" down at the bottom left of the page and then choose the Classic style.
  4. Baron, appreciate the effort but need a little more unfortunately.

    Most common form of colour blindness is Red/Green - on the new posts page the titles are in red so it is really a strain reading them. Having posters names in Red is also an issue, but not at serious as the thread titles which we read every time we access.

  5. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    The thread titles were red on the old color palette, so this is getting extremely confusing.
  6. Sorry, I think the issue is on my side. I took a first look on my trading screens and there it was a problem. Looking at it on my iPad now, it isn't so bad. The red on the iPad is Matte, but comes across brighter/gloss on the trading screens and that is a problem. Must be the colour settings there.

    No problem, more than 90% of my access is from the iPad so that's OK. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. Baron, are the background colours the same? Within the threads the colour is different now, and ability to see colours is relative to what they're juxtaposed with, hence my use of red and blue candles on my charts. :)
  8. I like the new classic colors! :)
  9. Redneck


