Realtime forex website

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by ModifiedBear, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone,

    Let me first say this: I am not a forex trader, and I don't have software or a datafeed for it. However, I do like to make small forex plays in equities for news events etc, and I like to watch the forex markets react while the news reports hit. Usually I just pull up forex factory and put my browser on auto-refresh, but I'm wondering if there are some better websites for live streams. Sometimes the auto-refresh messes up and I have to go back and such. Again, I'm not a fx trader so I really only need like 5-10 second refresh on data and a delay doesn't bother me - I'm just curious really.

    Much thanks,
  2. NoBias


  3. Here is a website that forex trading is discussed a lot:
    It is a binary options trading site. But it has a lot of relevant material related to forex trading. There are dedicated threads too if you look at the site closely.